chapter 4

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No one pov

Felix entered the class with swollen eyes ,his head was full of regret and self hatred.

Lixie ?! ,Jisung ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

Lixie I'm sorry , I'm a useless friend of you , I'm weak, jisung cried out

"Hannie , it's not your fault " ,felix wiped tears from jisung's chubby cheeks .

"Felix ! ,are you okay?" ,i.n inquired with lot of concern on his face .

"I'm okay , don't worry about it" , Lix slightly smiled saying this.

"Lix we will definitely find a way to get rid of that jerk," i.n gritted his teeth while saying this.

Time skip"

Felix home
Night 9.34pm

No-one pov

Felix was standing infront of a huge mirror in his room.
Tears where falling from his eyes.

"I can't live like this anymore, I'm not a lifeless toy" .
Felix was in verge of a breakdown .
felix was the only child in his family ,his mom always busy pursuing her bigger dreams ,
he was so lonely that he even have no emotions towards his own mother ,they barely see each other.

Felix opened his personal balcony , headed towards the edge

Suicidal thoughts were digging on his mind .

"I can't live like this , God why you are so cruel to me" .

But somewhere in his mind ,he waited for a twist ,
Something that can help him get out from thar hell hole .

" No i will never die "

"I must survive"

"I should "

Felix suddenly looked at the full moon

It's so pretty ,stars were shining like diamonds , it's beautiful .

Felix completely forgotten his all problems ,he was so immersed with the stary night view.

Felix decided not to attend his college for a few days , he lied that he have a fever .

Felix confronted his dear friends i.n and han that he was totally fine.

Han and i.n thought that it would be good for felix to take some time to heal from the previous incident.

Felix phones was flooded with tones of lee know's texts.

It was so annoying that he decided to switch of his phone.

Lee know pov


He was so frustrated due to felix's disappearence for 2 days.

'Why he's ignoring me
That's Little shit ',
Lee know gritted his teeth.

No one pov

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