chapter 7

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No one pov

It was a sunday morning , As there were no class, felix wake a little late than usual ,As he finished his morning chores , he found the way towards the stairs, looking for his mother who was supposed to be there cause she told him that she would be free for the weekend .

"Good morning Mrs.sherly"

"Oh morning dear ,wait a minute I will prepare you a fresh coffee".

"Thankyou but I don't want to drink a coffee right now" .

"Are you feeling ill ?? , should I prepare you a soup or something healthy dear ".

"No ,am not feeling ill, don't worry too much about me" .

"where's mom ,is she resting???"

" I'm sorry Felix , she couldn't make it ,she had a little urgent thing , that's why she couldn't make it on weekend. I'm sure she will join before the next weekend."

"That's totally fine , i know her work."

as felix got the answers for his enquiries he left to his room and make sure to lock it .felix buried his face on the velvety pillow and started to sob ,he thought that his mom gonna be with him every day but unfortunately not.

He checked on his phone and called han for his comfort.

_ hello lix , what's the matter?

_nothing i just missed your voice

_wait you are missing me lix , that's means you need me ,do i need to come over ....

_no no need , i just wanted to hear your voice that's it.

_aww my poor lixie, you can call me time ,i will be there for you.

_thankyou so much hannie , i feel a lot better now,

_ wait i think we should also add i.n , we need to discuss a lot of things

_well of course add him ,it will be a lot of fun .

As the trio continued with their talks Felix room was filled with the continuous tales of laughter and the sadness in his heart was completely cured by his two friends.


No one pov

Lee know was anxiously checking the time for nth number , he was sitting on the table of one of the most luxurious hotel in the town ,on the twentieth floor which was fully built by glass , and sitting at the most view full tabel place , holding on his phone and being bored ,he was wearing the Gucci branded clothes as he looked presentable and elegant for the date that was set up by his parents .His gaze upon his phone was interrupted by the rhythmic heel sound that was ascending towards his side. As he lifted his face to meet with the familiar face of the girl who he was supposed to be wedded at the altar as decided by both of their parents.
The girl was wearing a wine coloured dress that glued to her body and enhanced her proportions.She took no time to arrive and settled next to Lee know.

"Sorry oppa, the traffic was horrible, i couldn't make it on the time"

Lee know nodded as he was horribly disinterested on her talks and kept his eyes on the phone .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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