chapter 2

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" lix it's obviously them "

'Them ,who ??

Felix started panicking.

Who ????

"Our seniors",han shouted again

Seniors ?????? .

"They always makeout there i heard it from others " han stated.

"Do you know who was there ,lix"??

"No ", "i didn't see the face only see his back side i guess".

"he's tall ,musculine body and long brown hair upto his shoulders and it was half tied up".

"Lix!! ,it was him"


"Hwang Hyunjn"!!!!

"He's dangerous lix , we have to stay away from him,he bullies students and even beat the shit out of them ,no one will raise a hand against him because he has a huge influence on our college, comes from one of the most powerful and richest family ,no one dare to touch him . He hurts people,The girl you probably see with him must his girlfriend karina . I'm glad he didn't see you lix" .

"Lix are you okay"??

Felix was in trans ,he so sensitive , gets feared even with silly things .

Han noticed fear in felix's face and quickly hugged him .

"It's okay lix ,no one will hurt you ,i will protect you".

Han literally saved felix from having another episode of panic attack .

Felix hugged him tightly ," I'm glad i have you hannie" .

"Okay let's go back to our classes ,lix" .

"Ok" he nodded.

*Professor come and took 2 hours of lecture classess.

*Lunch break

"That was so tiring lix" ,

"Yeah hannie i almost slept" .

"Let's eat something lix ".

"Yeah hannie " felix said.

They headed towards the cafeteria saw a huge crowd of students there.

"Hey han " ??

Someone shouted .

Han looked back , "ohh it you i.n."

They smiled at each other and hugged
"Glad to meet you here i.n."

"Ohh who is this cute girl" ?? I.n asked .

"Girl!? ,no no no it's a boy". Han quickly responded.

Boy!!!! i.n's jaw dropped how can a boy get's this much pretty , prettier than any girls he have ever seen.

"He's my childhood bff felix"

Felix what a cute name i.n thought.

Hii felix I'm Yang jeong-in . Call me i.n for short.

"Nice to meet you i.n " felix warmly greeted him .

"Whoa you have a very deep voice.I know about you felix ,han always talked about you when we were High school buddies".

Arrrggggggggggg......get away mother fucker !!!

Someone shouted so loudly .

Everyone looked at the direction where the source from .

"It's them our seniors , they are coming" some first years whispered.

"They are bullying someone".

Some poor boy was getting beaten up by some seniors, because he accidentally blocked their way .

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