chapter 5

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No one pov

Rays of sunlight falls on felix ethereal face through the opened window, it was around 8 in the morning ,the warmth of the morning sun made felix to open his eyes from the deep sleep.felix rubbed his eyes,then a certain memory hit his brain , a single drop of tear escaped from his eye .
He checked the phone .

" Shit I'm going to be late "

Although his mind never want to go ,but he has to .
Skipping two days was already enough to make him fall from his grades .

He jumped from his bed and started getting ready. He was standing infront of the huge mirror and noticed the red marks on his neck and a bruise on his lower lip , felix felt that he is too vulnerable to exists in this universe , his heart was stabbed with so many insecurities. He put the concealer to cover those animalistic marks .

Time skip*

No-one pov

Jisung and in was sitting next to felix on the class both of them looked so much concerned about felix. At the same time Felix was deeply immersed in his own thoughts .

"Felix ! " han called out .

"Yeah what hannie ?? "

"You looks so tired, is anything wrong ?? "

"No actually , I'm pretty fine though ,no worries. I should catch up with the 2 skipped classes , too much work to do", a little bit stressed about my academics" .

Felix nervously answered the question.

" Lix there's a good news ",in joyfully held felix both hands .

" what is it innie?? "

"Bangchan promised me that punk leeknow never going to harrass you ,you can feel safe now lix ,you are totally free from that pervert."

"Really innie " !! , Felix was surprised.

Han jumped in excitement.

" Are you kidding me , innie thankyou so much " ,Han hugged jeong-in bone Break tight.

Felix also joined them . Felix mind was feeling normal after hearing the good news from his dear innie, he was so happy .

" Thankyou so much innie " . ,

Lunch break******

Lix ,han ,in were heading towards the cafeteria untill a tall girl stopped them.

"Are you felix "??
Her tone was so harsh.

" Yeah ".

" Come with me ! " ,she took lix's hand with no mercy and headed towards the empty corner. In and han followed them having no clue about it.

Wait ! Who are you ?? , Lix was confused.

Huhh?? ,She was out of control.

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