chapter 3

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Next day

At college .

Lix waved at han as he get out from his car .
'"'Hii lix"" han hugged felix.

"Hey you choking me ,hannie "??

"Lix this outfit looks so amazing on you ,this is from your mom's brand right" .

"Yeah hannie. "

"She's so talented ,i wanted to purchase some from her winter collection's". Han said .

Their little chit chat was disturbed by a couple of notification sounds from felix phone.


Unknown person

Hey cutie .....❤️
It's me lee know
Please don't be so mad please reply me
Heyy are you there.........
Don't you dare to block me darling..


2 missed calls from unknown person

"Hannie he so annoying .
What should i do "? ?

Phone beeped another notification


Unknown person

Sweety i know you're seeing all my texts ....,
Be at the restroom on the first break you hear me ....
Be such an obedient cutie
Don't be late sweetiee....

8.00 am

Tears started falling from his eyes while reading those texts.
"Just block him already" han stated.

"No i can't he warned me" .

Han was also helpless ,he can't do anything,
compared to those mf's he was way too weak .

"Should we ask for help from someone lixie?? that's the only way we can resist.

"Yes ,we need to find bangchan he will help us from this".

The bell rang for their first session of lecture.

During the lectures felix heart was raising, what will he gonna do .
He can't get his friends get into this mess it's all because of me , i never belongs here, felix brain started arguing with those dark thoughts .

But unfortunately i.n told them that bangchan was absent on that day .

Felix loses his last ray of hope.

His eyes where red , han noticed it and his heart can take it anymore.

Someone is going to assault his dearest best friend and now he is helpless .

Jisung sunk into those deep thoughts.

"Hannie.. don't worry about me ,i will be okay after it" ,felix ends the statement with no expression on his face .

Han and i.n both feeling bad for felix .

The bell rang .......

Three of them froze from that sound.

Felix get's up from his seat and headed towards the restroom.

Han was about to stop felix but i.n stopped him ,
"han stop ! we can't do anything its useless , let us slide this time next day bangchan might help us .
I.n ended the words with tears from his foxy eyes .
Felix pov

I have do this ,just this time ,I was already feeling nauseous. I headed towards the restroom with my raising heartbeat . I opened the door .
Lee know pov

Ohh he's late ,its been 10 minutes already.
Gonna kick him out .
I was about to leave the restroom i saw felix on the door side looking at me with no expression on his face .

No one pov

Well who is here .....!

"You look prettier today ,why you're so cute felix "
lee know was in full trans when he saw felix . Lee know suddenly grabbed felix wrist and headed towards the corner and pinned him against the wall.

"You're mine felix ".

"Hey speaks to me darling" ......

"Why you're so quiet "

"H-hii" felix barely talked .

"That's my sweety ", he smirked.

Lee know was looking too close to felix face and noticed his freckles

"Wow you have freckles ,cute ".

Lee know lustfully looking at felix heart shaped juicy plumb lips .
He took his hand and placed his point finger on felix lips .

'I have never seen anything like this beautiful before".

Lee know leaned and connected their lips felix closed his eyes he never wanted see those dreadful sight .


"You tastes likes strawberries felix you'r so good ".

He deepened the kiss and wrapped his big veiny hands tightly around on felix's small waist .
He forcefully entered his tongue and tasted every corner and sucked it .
He never experienced such a feeling like this before what is it ??lee know started enquiring his own mind.
Their kiss lasted for about 10 minutes .
He parted his lips from felix's .
"oohh ! Shit my class, see you later lix" lee know quickly turned back reached at door, suddenly he turned back and looked at felix who was still there looking etheral still innocent ,lee know can't resist the sight ,he quickly run towards him and kissed felix even harder . "Bye cutee" then lee know left the place.

Felix pov

I walked towards the sink and washed my face several times , why i can't get off this dirt off from my face ,
I sobbed and looked at the mirror which showed my reflection,
I feel disgusted
I started sobbing so hard , i covered my mouth , trying not to make any noise.

Then i left the restroom headed towards the classroom.

Lee know pov

"Why i can't focus on my classes ,what is this strange feeling",
"ohhh his lips that taste, i can't get over it" ,
" it's only been 10 minutes but i still craving for it ,i want more ".

'I Fucked dozens of sluts ,but nobody feels like him, felix what are you doing to my mind ,those curves of him '.
My fucking slut brain is playing with me .
It's only just a kiss not even done anything more but he feels so different and special, i want more, he's only mine , i can't wait to ride him . Felix what are you ???

I sinked into those dirty and curious inner thoughts of mine . suddenly someone hit on my head .

It was hyunjin .

Hey fucker! , are you wet dreaming again?

"Focus on the class"

"He got a new chick" soobin said .

"So quick , that's interesting"
Who's that person lee know got his mind into??
"Share that slut after your use okay minhoe " hyunjin joked .

"No"! "he's mine only " lee know's face is serious right now .

"Hey hey calm down" soobin confronted him .

"I'm leaving", lee know left the class in the middle of the lecture not even minding his professor.

"Hey hyunjin i heard that lee know 's chick his so pretty, so many rumours about him are going".

"No wonder he's obsessed with that whore ", hyunjin smirked.

"Who is he" ??
Author's note 🦩

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Take care eveyone.

Bye 🥀 🥀🥀

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