What's happening?

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Austin: I don't trust you at all but I need answers. What the fuck did you do to my papa?
Nina: Sure. I'll tell you. On one condition....
Austin: Fine. That condition is?
Nina: The condition is...

Nina: the condition is...you have to come to my room to talk about it. ALONE.
Austin: fine but we're only there to TALK.
Nina: Yeah yeah see you soon :))

I put my phone down and I see dad looking at me threw the rear view mirror. He just has a habit of knowing things without anyone even telling him. It's sorta creepy.

Jeff: So who were you texting Austin? You seemed upset. What's up?
Ben: Love. Respect his privacy.
Jeff: I know but I just have a feeling something isn't right.
Austin: Yeah just Toby being a dick again. Nothing much. 
Jeff: Okay. We're here guys.

We all get out of the car and head into the mall. We decide to eat first and then do some shopping. My papa tells us to pick a table while he orders. For some reason I can tell that both me and Dad get a bad feeling.

Ben's POV:
I walk up to order but it's a pretty big line so it'll be a bit of a wait. The guy behind me keeps getting really close to me. So close that at times I can feel his nasty breath on my neck.

Stranger: So, what's a cutie like you doing in this line alone?
Ben: Just trying to order some food for my kids.
Stranger: So you're here with someone? Tell me do you have a husband?

I feel him pull me by the hips and start grinding on me. I want to scream. Not again. No no no no no. I open my mouth and scream as loud as I can.

Cashier: Sir you're causing a disruption. I'm gonna need you to lower your voice.
Ben: Help me. Help me!

I can tell I'm having an episode. My PTSD has been triggered. Luckily Jeff heard me and knows exactly what's going on. I see him push people out of the way to get to me. I'm shaking so violently. I can't breathe.

Jeff: You idiots! He's my husband and he has PTSD! It was triggered by this moron behind him touching him. DONT! Deny it I have eyes everywhere. He can't help but cause a disruption. Now if you could please remove him from the restaurant.
Cashier: I'm sorry sir but you have no actual proof that this gentleman did anything wrong.

I see the other random girl in front of me speak up.

Girl: No. He's telling the truth. I heard him saying weird things and asking for personal information.
Stranger: Oh you girls are always so dramatic! Especially you.

I get picked up by this stranger by the neck and I can't breathe. I try to use my nails to scratch his hands off of me but it doesn't work. I kick and scratch as much as I can but it's not doing anything. Jeff slaps the guy across the face and he drops me. I grab my throat and try to catch my breath. The next thing I know is that the guy got kicked out for being violent and people are asking if I'm okay. Once I finally catch my breath, I nod, and Jeff helps me stand. I'm shaking so violently and having so many flashbacks. I hear talking around me but I can't process anything they're saying. What's happening. I feel arms around me and flinch at the touch at first. I then realize who's arms they are. I wrap my arms around him tightly. I can't even see who it is because I'm closing my eyes so tightly out of fear. I just know that it's Jeff. My breathing finally starts calming down but I know that anything can spike it back up and I'll start hyperventilating again. Out of no where I grab Jeff's face and kiss him. Just for a distraction.

Ben: Thank you love. Now can we please...order our food and just get it to go?
Jeff: Of course baby. I'll order, you go talk to the kids.
Ben: Thanks love, see you in a sec.

I kiss him on the cheek and walk toward the kids. They all start flooding me with questions. Which is a little overwhelming.

Luna: You okay papa?
Jenna: Yeah. I've never seen anything like that from you.
Noah: Papa? You alright? What did he do to you?
Jenna: Who even was that?
Austin: Guys. Give him a second to breathe. You're suffocating him with questions right now.
Ben: Thanks Austin but it's fine. I'll answer your questions. It's time I tell you guys anyway...
Noah: Tell us...what?
Ben: We'll discuss this when we're in a more private place okay?
Noah: Okay
Jenna: Of course.
Jeff: Love are you sure about this? I respect your decision, but are you ready for this?
Ben: Jesus you scared me. Also whether I'm ready or not I don't feel right hiding this from them. You probably have some things to explain too.
Jeff: I guess so. How about we head home? We have a long conversation ahead of us.
Ben: Yeah let's go kids.

We all walk out of the restaurant and walk to our car. We finally got out own car not too long after the twins were born since our family was getting bigger. Obviously with the help of Slenderman. Speaking of, right now we're sitting in that very car not saying a word to each other. We don't know what to say. I mean maybe I should've told them sooner. Maybe not though. I'm unsure of how this will go. I've never been good at talking about this kind of stuff. I knew we wouldn't be able to hide it forever though. Some of this stuff even Jeff doesn't know. I'll get through it though. Somehow. With Jeff by my side hopefully it'll be a little easier.

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