Party hard...too hard.

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They both smile at each other then share a quick kiss. In some ways they remind me of us. Toby is a dick a lot of the times but this is proof that he can be good too. EJ clearly saw that in him.

(Jeff's pov):

Jeff: Alright so what's next? We finally drinking?
Toby: Hell. yes.

We get our favorite drinks out and actually decide to drink from cups for once. Ben glances at me a bit and gives me the look. I've always had a tiny bit of alcohol problems so he's always wary when I drink. Can't blame him I guess. I've gotten so used to alcohol that I can down it like water. I try to drink it slowly. I TRIED to. I wasn't too successful. Without realizing it, I was already 3 cups in and almost done with my 4th one. I laugh a bit. Whoops.

Ben: You big idiot.
Jeff: Whoops. Ah whatever. It'll be fine.
Ben: yeah you say that now.
Jeff: I'm fine love.
EJ: Jesus. How in the hell?
Toby: Babyyyy let's not worry about that. Let's have fun!
EJ: and how much have you had to drink?
Toby: Not much. I just want to focus on us, is that so wrong~?

Ben's pov:
I sigh as I look at Toby bending over slightly and looking up at EJ. I look away back to my idiot. Who's yet again filling up his drink. I grab his arm as he's raising it to put the cup to his mouth.
I look at him and sigh.

Ben: Love, please slow down.
Jeff: Heheh. I've heard those words before~

I widen my eyes when I realize what he meant. I smack his arm lightly.

Ben: I'm serious! Slow down on the drinking!
Jeff: I'm literally fine! I'm not even drunk yet. I'll even walk in a straight line to prove it.
Ben: Love you don't need to get drunk at every party.
Jeff: Oh hush. It's fine.

I look over at the newly wed couple and they're making out so I quickly look away. I'm kind of hating it here. I slowly drink some of my own drink. To my surprise, Jeff is already filling up another cup. How the hell is this guy even "alive"? Seriously. I set down my cup and question what I should do. I look at the clock and realize the party will be over soon. Maybe sooner than I think because the newly wed couple seem to be in a bit of a hurry to get to the honeymoon already. I roll my eyes and remember that me and Jeff were both like that some years back. I walk over to my own idiot and rest my head on his chest.

Jeff: Hey love.
Ben: hey.
Jeff: What're you thinking about?
Ben: Just about how our wedding went.
Jeff: You remember how our after party went?
Ben: No...I have no idea what you're talking about.
Jeff: Mhmmm. You don't remember grinding on me when everyone was still around?
Ben: Nope. I have no memory of that ever happening.
Jeff: Uh huh. If you say so.
Ben: Do you remember that's also when I had two kids?
Jeff: And broke my arm?
Ben: Shut up! You know I still feel bad about that!
Jeff: Haha sorry love. I'm just teasing.

We laugh and hold each other for awhile but he still continues to drink and drink. He gets to the point where he's fully drunk. Which never means anything good. He needs 10 or more drinks to get drunk. I get nervous because Jeff isn't always
himself when drunk. I tried avoiding this happening but clearly it didn't work. The party is officially over and EJ and Toby are on their honeymoon. I'm sitting on my desk and Jeff is just stumbling around and muttering words. That is until he walked over to me.

Ben: You ok—
Jeff: No. Where am I?
Ben: You're in our room. You're very very drunk.
Jeff: No I'm not stop lying.
Ben: Love I'm not.
Jeff: Don't call me that Ben we're not like that. 
Ben: We are. We're married. Check out that ring on your finger.
Jeff: ...What? Oh shit that's weird. Well I mean I've always had a thing for you so it makes sense.
Ben: always?
Jeff: Mhm. I met you and it took a bit but I realized how fucking cute you are.
Ben: Shush.
Jeff: Aw you're cute when embarrassed.
Ben: No I'm not.
Jeff: You are. Tell me have we ever had sex?
Ben: Um. Yeah we have. We also have 4 kids.
Jeff: Damn. How about we make another one~?
Ben: No you're drunk.
Jeff: I already told you I'm not damn it.
Ben: So you just have amnesia then?
Jeff: Shut up.
Ben: Jeff please—
Jeff: How about I just make you shut up?
Ben: Jeff- No-

He makes his way towards me and I panic and slap him. He stays there for a second then gets this look on his face. He then slaps me so hard that I fall to the ground. I hold my cheek and tears start to spill out. I look up and to my surprise Jeff is crying too.

Jeff: Don't. Don't ever do that to me again. I...please..don't hit me.
Ben: I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it i-it's just that y-you were..s-scaring me a little.
Jeff: I...I need to go.
Ben: Jeff wait! Please! Don't leave...

I watch as he stumbles and walks out of the room. Once again I feel paralyzed with fear and sadness. I can't do anything other than drop to my knees and cry. I was just my own husband..who just walked off somewhere..god knows where. What do I do? Did he really mean the slap? He seemed really anxious though. God I should've never let him get this drunk. I knew what was going to happen. I hear the door open and I look up quickly. I'm met with my sobbing child.

Luna: Papa? Are you okay? W-what happened?
Where did father go?
Ben: Come here hun. Papa's okay. Me and your father just got in a small argument. That's all. Everything's okay. Your father just went to cool his head a bit, okay?
Luna: Okay.
Ben: Come on. You must be tired. We did a lot today.
Luna: Okay. Will you tell father that's he's naughty when he gets back?
Ben: Yes I will Lun. now get some sleep it's 12am.
Luna: Okay I will. Night papa.
Ben: Night night Lun.

I walk out and close the door and start walking back to my room but Austin stops me. I figured he'd ask me eventually about what happened.

Austin: You already know what I'm going to ask. Let's go sit down in your room.
Ben: Austin please. It's fine. Just go back to bed and don't worry about it.
Austin: I can't do that. Please just tell me what happened.
Ben: Fine. Your father just got pretty drunk and he's really bad when drunk. Typically not this bad but he just forgets most things when he's drunk. He forgot that you guys even existed and that I was his husband. I kept trying to tell him that he's drunk and he kept making me nervous so I...hit him. Then he hit me back. Then walked off somewhere. It's really nothing to worry about though. It's fine.
Austin: I'm sorry papa. Everything will be alright I promise.
Ben: Alright I told you. Now you have to go to bed!
Austin: Alright fine but you have to tell me if anything else happens.
Ben: Fine. Now off to bed you go. Love you and goodnight.

I agreed to tell him if anything else happens but I for sure won't. It's not his job to worry about me. It's not what he's made for. I hear his door close and I let out a breath. Only for it to be sucked back it in surprise to see Jeff back.

Ben: H-hey...
Jeff: Don't fucking talk to me. You're just like them.

He closes the door and I feel terrified. He slaps me again then puts me against the wall in a choking position but not the good one. I try my best to let any air in but he has a good grasp.

Ben: J-Je...Ple...!
Jeff: Shut up!
He slams me against the wall then let's me slide down all the way to the floor. He kicks me in multiple places and I do nothing but cry.

Ben: Please! I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!
Jeff: You're so pathetic. This is really who I married? Jesus. I'm sleeping somewhere else. I can't stand to be near you any longer.

He turns around and I grab the emergency shot I have and prick his neck with it. I text the nurse and tell her to come get him. I've never had to use one before because he never gets this bad usually. I take a moment to process what just happened and I cry. I cry for what feels like hours. I scream. I cry. I breathe hard. My world feels like it's been shattered completely. I cry until I fall asleep.

In the morning.

I wake up and simply open my eyes. This is the first time I've woken up alone like actually alone I'm years. I never thought I would have to experience this. I get up with a lot of pain and drag myself to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and I'm horrified of what I see. Bruises, on my face, on my arms, on my legs, everywhere. I want to rip the mirror off the wall. I haven't had to see myself like this since I was living with my dad. My abusive dad. I need to talk to Jeff. Speaking of, I look over at the door and there he is, standing...and crying.

Ben: We need to talk.

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