He's back?

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I put my makeup on cover the marks as best I can. Jeff helps with some of the ones that are out of my reach or I can't see which was not easy. He kept purposely dragging his fingers lightly across my skin and it was a little HARD to do. Once we are finally able to back out though we find Toby waiting for us. He hands us a letter and we open it.

It's a....invitation to a wedding?

(Ben's POV:)

Jeff: Who's wedding is this?
Toby: Heh. It's m-mine finally
Jeff: Damn for real?
Toby: Yep. I'm excited to marry EJ.
Jeff: Nice man.

They keep talking but I see Toby glance at me for a moment. I smirk. He knows better not to tell him. I put my hand behind my back and give him a warning "shock". He inhales sharply and winces. He grabs himself in pain for a moment then takes a deep breath. He stands back up fully and Jeff looks a little confused. I smile.

Jeff: Dude. You okay?
Toby: Fuck. Yeah yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about it.
Jeff: Sure if you say so.
Ben: What kind of after party are you going to have?
Toby: U-Uhm. Probably just a small one with you two, E.J, Clockwork, and maybe some other people. Mostly just people I'm close with though.
Jeff: yeah that makes sense.

I roll my eyes when he says he's close to us. Close to Jeff. I'm the only one Jeff truly is close to. He's mine. I'm his. Toby is no where near my level. Yet he acts like he is all the time. It pisses me off. Jeff and Toby talk for awhile and I get bored so I walk to our room. I'm surprised to see someone already in my room though. He has burn marks all over himself. A clock in his eye that's set to 1:27. His other eye is missing and his stomach...is filled with blood covered candies. Missing eyes means LuLu probably helped kill this guy, the clock is obviously from clockwork, and the candies are from LJack, and the burn marks are from...me. That time though. I remember it. From what though. Oh no.

???: Didn't think I'd come back huh? You never were able to escape me that easily anyway.
Ben: What the fuck are you doing here? How the fuck are you here...dad?
Ben's dad: I miss our good old times together of course, and what you did to me hurt like a bitch.
Ben: You deserved every second of it. I hate you.
Ben's dad: Oh please, you know better than to talk to me like that. Drop the attitude Beatrix.
Ben: No. I'm done with you. I'm done letting you control me. You don't have a valid reason to be mad at me.
Ben's dad: Yes I do! You killed the love of my life. The only fucking thing that mattered to me. Now, I can kill yours.
Ben: Lay a finger on him and I'll torture you to the point you'll be wishing you would just die already.
Ben's dad: Oh yeah? We'll see about that.

He runs off and I chase after him. I jump forward and knock him to the ground. I place both of my hands on the sides of his cheeks and put him under the "spell". I put my hand against one of his veins and input glitch blood. I pick him up and bring him to the same cell as Nina. I activate both of their glitches and just listen as they scream. I can't help but smile. I feel so powerful. I have control now. I have control over the people who always took advantage of my weaknesses. I strengthen the glitch and they scream as loud as they can. I hear people walking in my direction and I turn invisible. I see Toby and Jeff and they're staring at the two of my prisoners, wondering what's making them suffer. I smile as I activate all of their glitches. The two locked up start screaming but Toby holds back as much as he possibly can. He falls over though from pain. That's when I stop.

Jeff: Dude what the fuck. You okay?
Toby: Ugh. I'm fine. Just a new tic where my knees give out. 
Jeff: Ok...then whats up with them? Also who even is that?

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