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I wake up and simply open my eyes. This is the first time I've woken up alone like actually alone I'm years. I never thought I would have to experience this. I get up with a lot of pain and drag myself to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and I'm horrified of what I see. Bruises, on my face, on my arms, on my legs, everywhere. I want to rip the mirror off the wall. I haven't had to see myself like this since I was living with my dad. My abusive dad. I need to talk to Jeff. Speaking of, I look over at the door and there he is, standing...and crying.

Ben: We need to talk.

(Ben's POV:)

Ben: We need to talk.
Jeff: What. Happened.
Ben: Do you remember any of it? At all?
Jeff: Fuck. I think we were singing or something. What happened to you..? Did that fucker get to you?
Ben: No...
Jeff: I'm confused. What happened last night?

I feel tears start to form in my eyes. I want to speak but the words are trapped. I take a deep breath and look at him although there's tears running down my face.

Ben: You. You happened last night. We were at EJ and Toby's after party last night. Of course you got drunk. Way too drunk. That was my fault. Anyway, after they left we were talking in our room and then you wanted to have sex but I told you no since you were drunk. You kept getting towards me though so I slapped you. I'm sorry about that....
Jeff: W-what...what happened next...
Ben: You hit me back. Then left. Then you came back and you got angry again and you hit me, kicked me, and choked me. This...it's all from you being drunk. I tried to tell you to not to get so drunk but it didn't work.
Jeff: ....I'm sorry...shit. I'm so sorry love. I'm so sorry. I'll stop drinking. God damn it I'm so sorry love. Can I hug you?

Tears are streaming down both of our faces. I'm hesitant but I nod my head and let him hug me. At first I don't hug back. Until I relax into the hug and finally put my arms around him. It feels nice to be next to him again. I cry into his shirt and he strokes my hair and attempts to soothe me. I take a breath and look up at him. I kiss him and it's filled with love and passion.

Jeff: Let's get you cleaned up okay?
Ben: Okay.

We go to the bathroom and I sit on the counter. He kisses each bruise or scratch he made then puts makeup over it. After some nice kisses and hiding the incident, we lay in bed together and cuddle. I'm glad I have my boy back. I never want that to happen again.

Jeff: Hey. I'm really sorry for what I did. It was unacceptable. I'll do my best to stop drinking. I never want to hurt you again.
Ben: Thank you. I still love you. I NEVER want this to happen again. I haven't had to seen myself like that since I was living with my dad. Not only did you hit me...you said things like "You're a pathetic excuse for a husband." It was awful.
Jeff: I don't mean any of that at all. You're an amazing husband. I love you so much. Don't ever forget that okay? I love you so so much. You're the best husband I could ever have. That's why I asked you to marry me.

Jeff takes my hand and kisses my ring. I smile and feel like crying at the same time but this time out of happy tears. I bring him closer and we share a sweet and passionate kiss. Then we press our foreheads together and just enjoy the moment. He moves his hand to my cheek.

Jeff: I promised to love you. I still promise I love you. I promise that I will always love you. You're amazing and more than I deserve. I'm sorry for what I did love. I really am.

I hear the door open and we both look up to see Luna standing there smiling wide.

Luna: Are we happy again?
Ben: Yes sweetheart we are. We're very happy

She comes over to us and hugs both of us. I smile and kiss her forehead. She smiles back and then walks away. I take a moment and realize something. Jeff's actions weren't so different from my own. Sure he beat me up a bit because he was under the influence. I know that he gets flashbacks when he is drunk. So that's why he beat up like that but...it's still not okay. No matter how terrible everything feels. It's not okay. I have every right to hate Nina and my dad but I shouldn't torture them for things they did years ago. I get up and Jeff looks confused for a moment.

Ben: I'm fixing my own mistakes too.
Jeff: Okay?
Ben: Just follow me.

We both walk downstairs and we reach the cells. I almost burst out in tears when I see both Nina and my dad scooting away from me out of fear. What have I done? I walk very carefully to them.

Ben: I'm sorry okay? I'm not here to hurt you anymore. I'm letting you guys go. I don't want to be someone to fear. I'm so sorry. I was just angry.

I notice they're shaking as I reach my hand to the veins in their neck. I remove the glitch from their blood and let out a few tears.

Ben: Glitch blood isn't in you anymore. I'm sorry for everything I've done. It was unacceptable.

I turn and look at Jeff. He's smiling and slightly crying. He hugs me and kisses my head.

Jeff: I'm so proud of you. We can both become better together okay? The first step to recovery is realizing the problem.
Ben: thank you love. We'll be better. To each other and others.
Ben's dad: Hey. Ben. I'm so sorry. I also did some very unacceptable things and yeah I was angry but it doesn't excuse my behavior. I'm so sorry. I hope that we can somehow build a relationship. Hug?
Ben: I'm sorry. I'm..I'm not ready yet.
Ben's dad: I understand.
Nina: Oh uh. Yeah. I'm sorry too by the way. My actions were pretty unacceptable too. To both of you. I'm so sorry. I know that I had a good life before this too. I'm sorry.
Jeff: Hey. You should apologize to her too. I know she's been checking on you.
Nina: You're right. Can I go do that?
Ben: No need to ask. Please do.

She leaves and we follow her. Just in case anything goes wrong. At first she awkwardly stands there but then knocks on her door. Clockwork answers and at first she's a bit weirded out.

Clockwork: Um. Hey. Do you guys need something?
Nina: Hey. I just wanted to say sorry. I've realized a lot of my mistakes and one of my biggest ones was what I did to you. You never deserved that. I'm sorry. I'll always be around y'know if you ever want to talk it over.

There's a long pause but she eventually nods and takes a breath.

Clockwork: ok. I'll have to think about this...but thank you.
Nina: Mhm!

She awkwardly closes the door and Nina has a sad expression on her face.

Nina: Do you think I did okay?
Ben: You did as good as you could. That's what's important. You okay to go back your room?
Nina: Yeah I'll be fine. Again, I'm sorry.
Ben: No need to apologize okay? We're even enough. We're going to just move on alright?
Nina: Yeah I'd like that.

We both go our separate ways and realize how much good change we made. This isn't what I expected to happen but I'm glad it did. It feels so much better having nothing to worry about.

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