Finally talking

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I take a breath in and slowly let it out. My body feels a little shaky and I know it'll get worse but they deserve an explanation. I see Jeff leave and then come back with the kids. I try to keep as calm as possible. However I know that this conversation will most likely go poorly.

Jeff's POV:
I see Ben bite his lip. He's nervous and honestly I'm a bit nervous too. There's things that even I don't know about Ben. I sit next to him and hold his hand. He rests his head on my shoulder and sighs. He sighs and looks up at me.

Ben: It'll be okay love...
Jeff: I's just I want you to be okay...
Ben: I'm sure bout it'll be fine. All of these things are all in the past. I'm here now and I survived. I think it'll be fine love. Don't worry, 'kay?
Jeff: Okay. I'll try my best.

We stop whispering to each other and we look at our kids. I see him take a few breathes and he looks back up.

Ben: Where should I even start?
Austin: How about something hopefully somewhat easy you met dad?
Ben: Well I don't really know. I met dad's brother, Liu, first. We all went to school together. Both of us were heavily bullied as kids. I guess that brought me and Jeff closer together. That's just the story of us being friends though. It's a different story on how we started dating.

I laugh as he looks away and blushes wildly. He covers his mouth with his hand and tries not to smile. The stupid story of how we started dating is always a funny story to tell. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and smile. We laugh together and then once we finally calm down, we continue.

Austin: Seems like you like the story of how you two started dating.
Jeff: it's one of my favorites.
Ben: Honestly it's kind of a complicated story. Not to mention it's a 2 for 1. You'll also get the reason why I stopped killing. We'll skip a few things but it was a pretty much normal day at the mansion. We both were playing a video game and of course I won.
Jeff: I still think it's cheating.
Ben: Yeah yeah whatever. After I beat him, Slenderman told us that it was time to go kill. We all usually just ended up all going together. Anyway so we go out to kill. However it was a very stormy night.
Jenna: How typical.
Noah: Wait but how did you used to kill?
Ben: Just hold on I'm getting there. My way of killing was always a bit different than others. Since I have abilities.

Ben sighs and gets up. We have a tv in our room we almost never use anymore. I get up and stand by him just in case. I see him take a breath, and while the kids are watching, sticks his hand in the TV. He stares at it for a second and looks at it weirdly. Then he fully goes into the TV. He glitches and grabs his chest. The kids get worried, as do I, but I stay calm. I walk over to the TV and offer my hand.

Ben: This was also a part of how we started dating...he helped me out of the TV. There was a power outage that trapped me inside the TV. It was raining and when I went back into the TV I was still wet. You guys should know that electronics and water don't mix well. That caused me to glitch very badly and the power outage made me not be able to see very well.
Jeff: You're missing a vital part of the story.

Ben takes my hand and crawls out of the TV with a few winces and then puts his hand on his hip.

Ben: Oh yeah? On how you cuddled me to sleep?
Jeff: Well yes but before that you literally jumped out of the T.V despite the pain and landed on me but yes I didn't let go of you. I was worried.
Ben: Sure. Along with other things. Anyway every time after that I was afraid to go back into the TV. Not to mention it hurts every time I go into it. That's not the only thing though.
Jeff: Hm?
Ben: I have more abilities than just going through the TV. I just prefer not to use them. Such as lighting fires, being able to control electricity, being able to take energy or "battery" from electronics, I can float in air or kind of fly, and others that I don't feel like explaining.
Jenna: Holy shit.
Jeff: Language.
Jenna: Sorry.
Jeff: I do agree though. That's a lot. I knew about some of those but not all of them. Since when can you fly?
Ben: I don't know I just can.

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