My long lost 'SISTER!?'

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I woke up and yawned. I was glad Killua noticed my change. He noticed!!

"He noticed!! he noticed!!" Kira jumped up and down.

"He noticed?" Stella walked in with Kira's breakfast.

"Yupp.. he was totally like 'nice shampoo..'" she blushed and hugged her pillow like hugging her life.

"You look happy. So today do you wanna tie you hair or did it like yesterday?" Stella was getting Kira to get ready.

"Hmmmm..." suddenly she remembered.

"You look beautiful." Shiro praised her.

"I think I want to change a bit more. The hair,  I'll let it go from now on. I...  it's just that, not only Killua that noticed my hair. a boy named Shiro did too.." She said in an upset tone.

"How about your glasses. You look better without it. Also, it's. just a fake so you won't have any trouble without it" Stella kept praising her.

"Okay! it seems less attractive" She was getting ready and opened her big and nerdy glasses.

She finished up and Stella called her.

"What is it Stella?"

"Miss, today we are going to meet your father's family. There is a family meet again. It's between you and his daughter. That family side isn't like us. They are a bit.. ummmmmm.. unfortunate than us.." Stella said after hanging up the phone.

"Owh.. I thought mom and dad was going to be there. I lost interest already"

"just go it will be great,miss"

"I am sure it would be great" she rolled her eyes.

Kira went out and saw Killua waiting for her.

"Shall we go?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

"hm.." she nodded and skipped next to him.

"you know I never actually asked you yet but do you have anybody you like? because I can help you i-if you want." Killua asked nervously.

"I kinda do and don't" Kira blushed.

"Then, I'll ask you just before that guy does.. Kira Masaomi I..." suddenly a guy hugged Kira from behind.

Looking back, it's Shiro.

"Yahuu!" he winked making Kira irritated.

"the hell do you want?" Killua roughly asked.

"I wanted to accompany Kira but you took it from me." Shiro said in a serious yet cheerful tone. Cool type of guy I guess.

"L-listen, you guys don't have to start a fight." Then suddenly Shiro stared at Kira's face. "W-what?"

"You didn't wear your glasses. You look.. Kawaii!"

Kira blushed a bit and Kira pulled her behind him.

"Get off dude" Killua was pissed.

"phew, I thought you were going try o hit me. Haha.." He joked making Killua much more irritated.

"Guys.. we are getting late.."

"Really? then Leta go" he yanked her arm and pulled her away.

"K-Kira!!" Killua chased her.


"What's wrong? you look horrible. " Kira heard a voice a looked up.

"What the heck?" she wiped her eyes to clear her vision if it was true. "N-Nadia?"

"yes. What's wrong?" Nadia sat on her table.

"N-nothing. IRS just that, your talking to me. To a freak." Kira looked around. "where is the camera?"

"There is no camera" Nadia blushed. "And your name is Kira Masaomi. Not freak. Get it right." she joked.

"I'm dead. I knew it. " Kira slapped herself.

"No your not. I just.. just wanna, start a new beginning with you. I did bad stuff. I know. but I'm sorry. Deeply" She apologized and Kira just nodded. "Let's go shopping after school. I need to buy new cloths. It's a special day today. " she held her arm.

"Sorry. today I have to return home early." Kira said.

"Cheh,," Nadia just sulked.


Kira returned home, tired.

"Miss, today you need to see your cousin."  Stella picked a proper dress for to wear.

"I'm tired. I don't wanna meet a girl my age, that has the same bloodline as me. it's stupid." She moaned.

"Just go for a minute." Stella asked her again and again. At last she agreed.


"Arrghh..I came too early." Kira said as she sat at an empty restaurant. Her family, Masaomi owned the restaurant so yeah. It's hers alone that night.

"'m sorry I'm late" She heard a familiar voice and looked you.

"YOU?!!??" Her long lost cousin / Sister is ,,,,,


"Your the rich and spoil princess?"

"Rich? Spoil? you are the daughter of my father's brother?" They both jumped from their sits.

"But you look, normal at school. Why don't you dress like that?" Nadia calmed down, trying to understand the situation.

"Because....." she explained from A-Z.

"I see" Then Nadia talked about her life and her family problem.

"then.. can we start again?" Then they both introduce themselves and had a great night.

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