Incorrect Quote #6

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We see the Squad and there friends sitting down when Iida comes asks

Iida: um I could use you creditable advice on some hero related matters.

Y/N: Mhm. I don't give out secrets of the hero trade to just about anyo-

Iida: It's actually about war crimes.

Y/N eyes light up

Y/N: Get me a pencil and paper I could fill you a fucking book grab some ketamine to because we're gonna be here all night blue boy.

We see Moon Knight and Zodiac fighting when Zodiac says

Zodiac: You're not gonna have a choice Marc you're gonna tell me Khonshu's greatest secret.

Moon Knight: Even if I knew how he resurrects me, you think I'D-

Zodiac: Not that you idiot! I want to know how he cheats on his taxes!

We see Peter trying to have a conversation with Marc

Peter: Hey Marc I...

Jake: I'm Jake.

Peter: Jake Listen...

Steven: Oops sorry lad Steven now.

Peter: Ok Steven...

Marc: Ah Marc Again.

Peter: Oh my fucking God!

Everyone is trying to enjoy lunch with Y/N jumps on down there table

Deku: Oh sh-

Y/N: I am... The Silver Surfer hand over your wallet and ketamine or Earth is doomed.

Marc: Fuck off Y/N were falling for that one again

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