Incorrect Quotes #12

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Toshinori: How did they get this little cat into the phone?

Y/N: All Might, I know you know what the internet is

Toshinori: They used a net?

Midoriya: You just texted us an hour ago

Y/N: One day you will inherit all these priceless heirlooms

Eri: These are vape pens

Y/N: They’re the family juuls

Jake: Y/N are trying to teach Eri how to vape?!

Koda: Dogs lick us because they know we have bones and they want them

Robbie: I just asked how are you.

Mina: Dear friends, your Christmas gift this year… is me. That’s right, another year of friendship. Your membership has been renewed

Y/N: I would like a refund.

Y/N: My body is…betraying me…

Midoriya: No, you’re exhausted. That happens to regular people when they keep throwing themselves into danger and refuse to sleep

Y/N: I hate it

Midoriya: Come on, you just need to rest. Now, close your eyes and-

Kamanari: IS HE DEAD?!

Midoriya: Don’t worry, I’ll build up an immunity!


Y/N: I mean have you tried to?


Kirishima: Why did you guys dress up as each other for Halloween?

Kaminari: Bakugou is the scariest thing I could think of!

Bakugou: Sero told me I should pick the dumbest costume possible

Y/N: Because I was told nerds  are scary.

Peter: Y/N is terrifying!

Y/N: I’m hardcore, made of steel and haven’t felt an emotion since 2006

Kendo: I caught you crying over baby seals just 2 hours ago

Y/N: Tell no one!

Aizawa: Who ate all the cookies?

Eri: Ninjas

Aizawa: I didn’t see them

Eri: No one ever does

Y/N: I taught you well student.

Midoriya: Y’know, pansexuality isn’t that hard to understand. I see an attractive person, I panic. What more could you want?

Peter: Yea he gets it.

Y/N: I thought I was people who are sexualy attracted to pans

Uraraka: I want your wallet

Robbie: I'm dragging you to hell.

Aizawa: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later

Peter: But that's no how it... you what nevermind!

Kaminari: You don’t really wash your hands they wash each other while you stand there and watch

Y/N: Dude it's 4 am, please leave me alone!

Y/N: Love isn’t real

Toshinori: You’re currently making a valentines card for Young Hado?

Y/N: [Pointing a hot glue gun at him] You’re on thin fucking ice. Tell.No.One.

Sero: [On the phone with Y/N] If Kaminari and I were hypothetically stuck to the ceiling, how would you get us down?

Y/N: I wouldn't I would leave you hanging.

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