Incorrect Quotes #9

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Overhaul: Who..who are you?

Moon Knight: I'm Moon Knight you lunatic... anyways you got any shrooms?

Kamanari: Are you an angel?

Y/N: Yea sure whatever you got any ketamine?

[Sero is seen running under the table bakusquad is at]

Bakugo: What the hell are you doing soy sauce face?

Sero: Help me!

Kirishima: What do you mea-


Random Villain #1: Be careful man I hear Moon Knight attacks with all sorts of Random BullShit

Random Villian #2: Please I got him dead to rights. Now to--

Moon Knight: Random Bullshit Go!!!

Random Villian #1: Damn you Moon Knight!!!

[Y/N with the Dekusquad]

Y/N: You know who I really want to fight? Grendel.

Deku: Wait the monster from beowulf?...or the Crime Lord?


[Y/N after beating Sero and got his money and sat at the table that Bakusquad was at]

Mina: So why does Sero owe you money anyway?

Y/N: Honesty? At this point I don't even remember why Sero owes me Money. But a guy's got to live by a code you know?

Kamanari: Facts.

[Deku and Y/N sparring with Iida and Uraraka In the background]

Deku: It's over Venom I have the high ground!

Venom (Y/N): Impossible do you even know how many drugs I'm on right now.

Deku: That's not what I--

Uraraka/Iida: Wait your high right now!

Venom (Y/N): Less talk more Vengeance!

Peter: Dammit Y/N let someone else have a turn for once.

Y/N: No Bakugo is my Homie only get to give him a goodnight kiss.

[Mineta harassing the Class 1A girls again but before Momo can do anything Y/N walks up with a rifle in his hands]

Y/N: Using my marine corps training I can turn anything into a weapon!... Even this rifle!

Uraraka: Um Y/N that Rifle is already a weapon.

[Y/N breaks it in half it makes a KRAK sound and hit Mineta in the face with the stock]

Y/N: Semper Fi, Bitch!

[Marc trying to find his shirt he walk into the living quarters of the dorms (people can see Khonshu by the way]

Mina: Oh hi Marc Whatc-

Marc: Khonshu you fucking nerd where's my...Uhhh what are doing?

Khonshu: Don't let him get me. I didn't mean to look at those lewd hieroglyphics! Forget if God's can bleed can a God simp?!

Y/N: What the fuck are you talki--

Khonshu: I was horny Marc Specter. And now Captain Atom is going to Quantum bonk me!

Deku: Wait who is going to what now!

[We see Water start to flood the dorms]

Jiro: What the heck!

Sero: What no it is impossible it cannot be Venom and the Moon Knight!

Moon Knight: That's right bitch now were my Goddamn money!

Venom (Y/N): Don't make us come down there and Water board you shitheel!

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