Incorrect Quotes #20

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Y/N: I will not ask you again! Put on the necklace now!

[Marc is holding a amulet that would give him a lot of power]

Marc: No, I will not!

Venom: You're putting on that necklace or were kicking you off the Midnight Suns.

Jake: I feel like the only reason we're here is to put on my armor. Equip the amulet and be the Div bitch. And I don't want to be the Div bitch anymore.

Y/N: We're a man fucking down, Jake! Parker DC'd.

Steven: But there are other people we can ask to help us, Mate.

Y/N: Deku is offline. Mina isn't responding to any of my messages. And Miya's watching that show of his.

[He starts to tap Jake's head]

Venom: C'mon C'mon!

Jake: Stop it!

Y/N: Put. It. On!

Jake: No! It doesn't work with our build.


Steven: You don't have to shout at me!

Robbie: I've just joined and already you losing your shit. [Sighs] what's going on here then?

Venom: Jake isn't using that damn necklace even though it's the one thing that is the single best thing in the universe.

Robbie: Now, hold on there Venom. Jake has every right to run whatever he wants to. If you keep dictating what other people use your just a bad person. I'm sure that Steven or Jake or Marc have a great object that could be super unique that might surprise you.

Y/N: Wow, I've never thought about it like that...

Robbie: That's alright, Y/N just let people use what they want to use it is they're life after all. And we're all here to have fun.

Steven: [smiles] Thank you, Robbie I'm sure that my bo-staff build will really help get through thi-

Ghost Rider: You're fucking what build?

Venom: Did you see what we've had to work with?

Ghost Rider: How the fuck did you get this far?

Y/N: We honestly don't know.

Ghost Rider: A Bo-Staff....Wow...

Steven: B-but I...

Ghost Rider: This is why your always the Div Bitch.

Venom: Div Bitch says what?

Steven: What?

Venom: Ha! Just like a Div....Bitch!

Marc: Well, you guys are assholes.

Ghost Rider: Hey, Y/N, Venom. I think Bakugo is on you wanna see if he is up to fight some villains?

Y/N: You son of a bitch.

Venom: We're in.

Ghost Rider: Alright.

[The Rider and Y/N grabs eachother hands]

[The Rider and Y/N grabs eachother hands]

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Steven: What...just...happen...?

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