Prologue: Infirmary Moment

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I froze when Ace spoke those words and paused. I felt a chill crawl up my back as I looked up to find a burnt statue. I looked up in shock.

"That's your fault for tryin' to divert it! You shoulda just let it burn you to a crisp!" Grim barked back at Ace

Ace looked at Grim as if he was stupid and which this case he was."Who in their right mind would ever do that?!*

Before I decided to use my magic to fix it a voice came from behind me.

"What is going on here? Cease this at once!" The garage said behind me as I slowly turned around.

"Arg! The headmage!" Ace said looking a bit scared.

"Not more lashings of love! We gotta get outta here!" Grim tried to get away but the headmage grabbed both of them with us whip of love

"Ow!" Ace cried out

"Myaaaaah! And I'm still sore from yesterday, too!" Sniffled Grim

"As if the likes of you could ever flee from me!

Haaah... Did I not just warn you, "no more incidents"?

And now you've charred one of my statues?!

It's almost as though you WANT to be expelled!" The headmage lectured then.

"No! Forgive me!" Ace whined.

"And you, Yuu. You were specifically told to keep Grim under control!" The headmage looked at me.

What! It's not my fault this dickhead decided to go off on us plus Grim was never my responsibility because he isn't my familiar." I glared at the headmage.

"Fine so be it, You two! As punishment for today's infractions, you are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!" As Grim and Ace looked at him flabbergasted "Before that clean your wound on your face" He pointed to Ace. "And Yuu go with him!"

"Myah?! That's what you get for makin' fun of me! This is all your fault!" Grim stamped his tiny foot.

"Whaaat? I have to do it too?!" Ace said taken aback

"Whatever Ace let's go to the infirmary" I grumbled, dragging him by his hand to the infirmary, leaving Grim behind. In all no idea where I was going nor did I know where the infirmary was.

"Um Ace was it?" I looked at him curiously.

"Yeah?" He said looking at me a little annoyed.

"Do you know where the infirmary is..?" I asked feeling a little embarrassed I didn't study the school map.

Ace when silent looking at me as if I someone with no common sense and rolled his eyes "Just follow me" he said grabbing my hand.

"Woah! What? Hey let me go!" I complained as Ace led me to the infirmary" I couldn't help but be embarrassed all that.

"Alr right sit down" Yuu motioned to Ace to sit pointing to the bed. Yuu shuffles around to look for some bandaids and some ointment and finds a first aid kit. "Sorry I guess eye got you pretty good when he scrached your face up huh? I'm sorry about him" Yuu gives him an apologetic look.

Ace just lets Yuu bandage him up and blushes slightly "Yeah whatever it's no biggie" Ace looks at Yuu "What was your name again Yuu?"

I nod "You are correct why"

"Well you just seem pretty good at this and I wanted to thank you for you know..." He chuckles bashfully and looks away as he looks away not knowing why his heart is pounding "You seem pretty good at this you know..." He says.

"Stay stil!" Yuu grabs Ace's chin as he answers to Aces comment "I hurt myself quite a bit when I was younger and I had to do this for myself so I guess I got good at it" Yuu sighs and recalls the memories that he tries so hard not to remember.

Ace blushes more as Yuu grabs his chin "Oh really?" The room has a awkward feel to it so he decides not to say anything else.

"Ok there we go" Yuu sighs "If they come off feel free to do it yourself"

"Uhh.. Ok do you wanna head to class together?* Ace says back to his usual snarky grin

Yuu smiles and nods "I would love to hurry and get to class now"

The two of them get out of the infirmary and walk to class together. As Ace opens the door the teacher immediately looks at them. "You two are late but since it's your first day I'll let it slide, please pick a seat wherever you'd like" The two of them sit next to each other. The whole class the teacher just goes through the class exceptations noting of much importance.

Word count: 780

A/n: Finally I figured out to fit some of Ace I'm her but I have no Idea where to go from here so and when the heck was Ace's birthday?? 💀💀 OML ALSO TY GUYS FOR OVER 1.8K READS 😻🫶🫶 Sorry if I keep accidentally writing Nickolas 💀💀💀

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