Prolouge: The Monster

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"Myah?! I'm not scared of anything!" Grim furrows his eyebrows in frustration "Especially not the dark! Now I'm taking the lead. You all follow me!" The gray cat runs ahead of the three of the boys

"Huh? Hold up!" Deuce says running after the cat.

"Woah Grim hold up who said you could be leader! Wait for me!" Yuu runs after the cat as well. "Huh what's that* he says looking in the distance. Several misty figure are seen in the distance, as Yuu walks closer he makes them out to be.... Ghosts!?

"Hee hee hee hee! Visitors! The first in ten years!" One of the ghosts laughs gleefully in delight.

"Are you kidding me right now?!" Yuu groans in exasperation. "This sucks and I don't even have my stupid pen."

"If we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere." Deuce grabs Yuu's hand "Let's just keep moving."

"Sure, but don't act like we voted you team leader. The only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled." Ace says, breaking Deuce and Yuu's hands apart. "This isn't the time to be holding hands either" Ace frowns. For some reason he feels a bit jealous but quickly shakes the feeling off.

"Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window-cleaning punishment!" Deuce scoffs angrily.

"He does have a point Ace." Yuu pats Ace on the back, chuckling.

"So, we're bringing up ancient history now?" Ace's face goes a bit pink in embarrassment as Yuu teases him "Then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when a furball torched that statue!" he accusingly points at Grim.

"Hey you guys lets not fight-" Yuu tries to put out the fire before it starts until he rudely interrupted.

"Myah?! Maybe you shouldn'ta made fun of me, then!" Grim argues back with Ace.

"Guys! We're in real hot water, remember?!" Deuce gets in between Ace and Grim before they start going at with each other. "If we don't come back with a magestone by morning, we're all being expelled!"

"Yeah, which is why we don't need you ordering the rest of us around. It gets old real fast." Ace crosses his arm in annoyance.

"Can you three quit it? You know what's getting old? You two bickering. I feel like I'm losing brain cells just listening to you two. Every single one of you are at fault, including me for not stopping you three in time so can you please just... I don't know... get along??" Yuu sighs in exasperation, then he suddenly stops talking and pauses to listen. "Do you hear that sound?"

An eerie, spine chilling sound is heard in the darkness of the cave " ...iiivvv... ...oooouuu..."

"Huh?!" The three of them yelp jumping and hugging on to Yuu.

"Wh-where's that comin' from??" Ace stammer gripping on tighter on Yuu.

" ...neeevvvaaa... ...iiivvv... ...ooouuu..." The sound is heard again and chills go down the four of thems spines.

"Sounds like... it's getting closer..." Deuce says hugging on tigger on Yuu as well.

"Myaaah!? No one said there'd be monsters! Let's get outta here!" Grim grips tight on Yuu's shoulders digging in his claws inhis shoulder in fear."

"Ow ow ow ow" Yuu winces in pain "Get off of me I'm not y'all's teddy bear!" He grumbles in annoyance.

Shh be quiet it might hear us! Ace covers Yuu's mouth "That thing's super creepy! But didn't it just say something about "stones"?!"

"Wait, what?!" Grim whispers in surprise

"Stooonesss... ...nevvva give stooonesss...!" The voice moans.

"Aha! So there ARE still magestones here!" Deuce whispers trumpantly

"Myaaah... Even as a master sorcerer, I... I don't think I can take that thing down!" Grim mumbles defeatedly.

"But we need a magestone or we'll get expelled! I'm going in!" Deuce says determinedly running towards the monster.

"Are you outta your mind?!" Ace looks at Deuce in pure shock.

"Shit. Wait up Deuce" Yuu says running after Deuce to help him because he probably really needs it.

Word count: 657

A/n: Sorry I haven't been posting in a while I was really sick for like two weeks and did not feel like doing anything. Anyways I'll probably post tomorrow.

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