The Egg

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Easter in the Big Apple. Kids running in the park trying to find chocolate and painted eggs, and the gang just getting out of school with a new assignment. "Yo, this is some seriously messed up homework assignment." 

Trixie was right, the teacher is having them carry around an egg. "For real, what's the point of making us carry around a stupid egg for the weekend?" Spud caught the egg that Jake was tossing up and down in the air. 

"Stupid?! Dude! Don't talk about our baby like that." Alaska chuckled at Spud's silliness; I mean the assignment is to make sure the egg survives and apparently teach the responsibility of having a kid. "Spud's kinda right. The assignment is to see if we'll be good parents one day." Spud drew a smiley face on the egg. 

"I think I'm gonna name him Smiley. When he grows up, I want him to be just like me." Alaska looked to Trixie with some concern. 

"Uh, Spud, I hate to bust your bubble, but when he grows up, he's gonna be an Omelet." A mail fairy then came down to Jake with a message. Alaska watched as Jake signed for the delivery and listened to his grandpa's message. 

"I gotta jet guys, do me a favor and watch the egg for me until I get back." Alaska understood the reason he had to leave, but Spud didn't. "You're always working! What about some quality time with our child. You're tearing this family apart!" 

Alaska only shook her head with a smile and started to head home. She entered her family's apartment and went to the kitchen to get some stuff she got for her new Kappa friends at April's. 

"Hey, how was your day, Snowy?" The half-gem looked to her aunt Amythyst. 

"Same as always, I guess. Hey, have you seen the gifts I left in here? They're for some friends." Amythyst thought for a moment and then remembered the six gifts that were on the table, each in a different colored wrapping. 

"Yeah, Pearl took them. She thought you were in a gang with the names on the labels." Alaska sprinted up to Pearl's room and search for the gifts, finally finding them under the gem's bed. 

The teen took them and raced for the door. "Where are you going with those?!"

 Pearl shouted from behind her, making Alaska stop before opening the door. "I'm going to April's; these are for her and her friends." The teen turned to face her aunt, who had a displeased look on her face. 

"Oh no, you're not going there. What if her friends are part of an evil gang, or cult?!"

 Alaska glared at her aunt with the sharpness of an ice pick. "You're judging them even though you never met them! I met them and when we shook hands, I didn't have any visions or anything!" Pearl shook her head and crossed her arms. 

"That is no excuse! What if they have a way to block your abilities or are lying?!" 

"They weren't lying! I would've known if they were! And you don't get to say anything about people you never met!" Connie, Steven, Garnet and Amythyst came in and watched as the two fought, it was normal for the two to have disagreements. 

But a full-on fight was new. 

"You might get hurt!" 

"You all trained me! But the only ones that seem to trust I can take care of myself are Mom, Dad, Aunt Garnet, and Aunt Amythyst! So, why don't you?!" Alaska froze as her cheek stung with the back hand Pearl gave her. 

"Pearl!" Garnet shouted at the pale gem. 

Pearl realized what she did when she looked into Alaska's teary eyes, covering her mouth with her hands. "Alaska...I-." The teen rushed out of the apartment and to April's as fast as her legs could carry her. Her bare feet slammed against the ground as she ran into the shop and only stopped when she closed the door. 

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