Dragon Summit

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Alaska was worried about meeting other dragons besides Lao Chi and Jake. Why? Because she was invited to the Dragon Summit, by the World Dragon Counsil. She's right now hulling a duffle bag and following Jake, his grandpa, and Fu dog to their transport. 

"Yo, G, I'm the American Dragon, not the American Bell Boy. Why can't Fu carry his own luggage?" Alaska was fiddling with her hair and making sure she looked presentable. "Until we reach the Isle of Drago, we must stay in Cognito." 

Fu was being smug about this whole thing. "So, do they have cabanas and wetsuits on this island?" Alaska helped Jake with the suitcase, he's a lot stronger in dragon form than he is in human form. The half gem was pretty strong thanks to the strength training her aunt Jasper gave her. 

"Jake, the summit is not a vacation. It is a chance for the world's dragons to meet, share techniques and exchange ideas. And most importantly, you and Alaska will meet the World's Dragon Counsil." Alaska got more nervous as they approached the train. 

"Did they say why they wanted me there?" Lao shook his head. 

"No, they haven't. But don't be nervous, it's probably nothing." Jake then helped his grandpa calm Alaska down. "Grandpa's right, Snowflake. Beyond the important stuff, they still pull up their pants like normal people." This made her feel a little better as they got on the platform for the train. 

"Yo, G, are we really taking a train to an island on the other side of the world?" Lao Chi shook his head again and walked over to an elevator. "Don't be ridiculous, we're taking the elevator." "Say what?!" Alaska raised a brow. 

"I know I'm still kinda new to the whole magic thing, but is this anything like a warp pad?" They got in the elevator and when the doors closed the goblin bell hop took their luggage. 

"Welcome to Enchanted Elevators, where serves always come with a smile. Please prepare for departure." Alaska saw how Lao and Fu were holding tight to the railings on the walls, so she did the same. 

"Hang on tight, kids." Jake was not getting the message. "What for?" 

"Jake, I think you should listen." The elevator shook before dropping then after a few minutes, it stopped, and they all got out. Alaska pulled out a ginger ale she brought since Fu mentioned getting nauseated anytime they take the elevator. 

"Here, Fu, this should help settle your stomach." 

"Thanks, kid." Jake and Alaska grabbed the luggage and came up to Lao and Fu. "Remember, Jake, Alaska, it is important you both make a good first impression upon the World Dragon Counsil" Before them was a golden temple, it was beautiful. 

"Yeah, cause you're not just any dragon, kid, you're the first American Dragon. And, Alaska, you're the first human/alien hybrid to meet magical creatures, and the first one to step foot on this island." Alaska heard what Fu and Lao said but was also looking around in awe. "I understand, but I also wish I brought more than a few canvases and acrylic paints to use. This place is so beautiful." 

As Alaska was looking around, she bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." The person she bumped into was a white bearded man in a blue robe. "It's quite alright, young lady. I'm guessing you're the gem Lao Chi has spoken about." 

Alaska bowed slightly to show her respect to the council members. "I'm honored to meet the Dragon Council; my name is Alaska Universe. I'm sorry to say I don't know why you all invited me here." 

Alaska stood back up and looked to each member, thanks to her intuition abilities she could feel their emotions in that moment. The council's emotions were all mixes of curiosity and are somewhat hidden. "We wanted to see your abilities and want to know why you fight alongside the American Dragon." 

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