.prologue . two.

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IT TAKES MAISIE WHAT feels like an eternity to wake up. When she does, the first thing she realises is pain. Her head throbbed so hard she wanted to throw up, the lights blinding her to the point she could barely even make out shapes and noises were seemingly non-existent.
Bound impossibly tight, the girl weakly lifts her head only to realise there was a man in front of her attempting to talk to her. They were waving and clicking their fingers in her face but all she could do was stare blankly. The only thing she could hear was blood rushing through her eardrums. And then the ringing started. It was quiet at first, a low, constant buzzing. But then it got louder, and louder, and then even louder. It felt like someone had shoved white-hot metal rods into her ears. Maisie struggled in her binds, involuntarily making screams of pain as the torture became progressively worse.
Once the pain reached a level she didn't even know existed, her whole body seemingly on fire, Maisie swore she could hear voices. She's alive. She heard the screaming say. The prophecy... a Winchester... dangerous... And then the noises stopped. Her body no longer on fire. Her vision and hearing was now repaired.
An exhausted man stood in front of her, hand on her forehead. This man was not Maisie's father, or her uncle for that matter. She had no clue who this man was. "She's okay, now." He says. "I've healed her concussion."
A concussion? Maisie furrows her eyebrows. Did concussions usually make you hallucinate voices and cause your ears to bleed? "Healed me?" Maisie croaks out, her eyes focusing on the scene around her. She was still tightly bound to the wooden chair, her arms and torso completely immobilised. "How the hell did you heal me."
"I'm an Angel." The man says, furrowing his eyebrows at her.

"Ha!" Maisie laughs. "And I'm the president!"

"That's enough," says a familiar voice. Despite the seriousness in his tone, Dean seemed much less dangerous now. Just one look at him could tell you he was no longer a demon. "How'd you find us? How'd you get in? Who are you?!"
"Your mom." Maisie snaps back. She didn't know why she was. It was her plan to finally reunite with them after all. But, she did just wake up from a serious injury inflicted on her by her own father. She seemed entitled to be short with him. The father and daughter stare each other down for an eternity before Maisie rolls her eyes, ripping the ropes off her. Before the men can ask how she escaped the almost perfect restraints, she holds up the utility bracelet that was attached to her wrist which was now a length of braided paracord which had a small hacksaw knife on one end, sheath on the other.
"I'm your daughter, dummy. Maisie-Kate Hope Winchester. I was born at ten twenty-eight pm on the thirtieth of October, nineteen-ninety-six. My mother was Kate Alpin - last October marked ten years since she died. For the first year after her death I was wanted under suspicion of being connected to her death but was later declared dead when another forensic team reinvestigated the case. She was a hunter, she didn't want me to be but apparently the universe had other ideas - do I need to go on?"
Maisie was breathing heavily, having not taken a second to catch her breath through the whole spiel. The three men share inquisitive looks. Dean is the first to break it, looking back at his daughter. He could see the resemblance. A blind person could. But it was too much for him to process. For ten years he believed his daughter to be dead. For ten years he resented Kate for never letting him know about her existence until it was too late. And now - just after being cured from being a demon, right after dying - the twenty year old was just showing up in the 'impenetrable' bunker? This couldn't be her. Dean shakes his head.
"What more do you need to know!?" Maisie snaps, raising her hands up in the air and shaking her head. "I know my mother was possessed by a demon, I know there was another body - assumably the body the demon was originally possessing - in the living room. I know that mom's official cause of death is several gunshot wounds to the chest but I know post that she also broke her neck, right arm and several ribs falling down the stairs and I also know she would have been found nowhere near the stairs. She was shot at the top of the basement stairs but would have been found at the bottom, in the exact opposite corner, in a pool of her own blood. Unmentioned in the media was the two stab wounds she would have had in her chest. One in the sternum and the other in the heart."
She's hyperventilating now, anger clear on her face. Clearly seeing Sam and Dean's continued skepticism, she shakes her head, her eyes landing on a table in the corner covered with various gear capable of testing someone of being a monster. "Still don't believe me? Fine. I'll prove it." She walks over to the table, passing across the demon trap without any trouble.
"Just in case the demon trap wasn't enough..." Maisie picks up the flask of holy water, throwing it back to take a swig, emptying the rest of the contents onto her face and hair if only to be dramatic. "But maybe I'm a shifter!" She grabs the silver blade, slashing deeper in her hand than she perhaps had to. She doesn't flinch, her flesh doesn't burn. She just stares emotionlessly at the boys. "Oh but maybe I'm a poltergeist. Poltergeists can't be knocked out and restrained but let's test that anyway." She picks up the crowbar and drops it to the floor with no issue. "Oh and just in case I'm too powerful to be detected by any of that..." Maisie picks up the can of salt, pouring a shot of it directly into her mouth. She scrunches up her nose slightly at the taste but yet again, no monster reaction.
"Right. So I passed." Maisie shrugs, holding out her uninjured hand in a sarcastic offer for a handshake. "Hi. I'm your long lost Daughter here on a personal vendetta to help her father like she couldn't with her mother. Nice to finally meet you."

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