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MAISIE FIGHTS BACK AT HER feelings, hitting her head against the concrete wall. She could feel her power starting to grow as her designated role to step up arrives way too soon. She looks at her burning hands, completely void of emotion.
She looks back to the twins, Isabella and Ethan. All of them look over to her. Slowly and shakily pulling herself up, feeling like she's going to vomit, she makes her way over with an increasing momentum the whole way.
She drops to her knees, grabbing hold of his hand. Weakly, he squeezes back, triggering her to break down crying. She looks to the twins who look just as exhausted as she did.
"Please!" She begs, her free hand being placed over Isabella's who was holding pressure to Max's wound. "Please help me, we have more of a chance together!"
"Maisie," Ethan says from her other side, his voice so low and broken it an barely be heated. "The wound is black. His-his blood..."
It was then that she realised. Seeping through the cloth onto hers and Isabella's hand wasn't only blood but thick black ink. This wound was more than just a cut. She looks over to him, both their bodies shaking from trauma and distress.
"Please don't leave me," she sobs, leaning over to place her forehead against his. "Please..."
With as much strength as he could muster, Max pulls his arm up to rest against the side of her face and neck. Smiling weakly, he pulls her in for a gentle kiss. His smile lingers when they pull away. His chest was rising and falling more rapidly now, his throat making choking noises as he tries for force words out but isn't able.
"Don't speak," Maisie shakes her head. "The laceration wasn't that bad- right Issy? We- we could get you to a hospital, you've just gotta save your energy."

"Mai-" Isabella holds back a sob, shaking her head.

Max grabs Maisie's face as firm as he can with both her hands, keeping her focus on his eyes. As soon as they connect, his breathing seems to calm. He gently strokes his thumb across her cheek.
'We'll always have the stars' he mouths calmly, continuing to stare into her eyes until the moment he takes his last breath.
The scream and sobs of grief that erupts from the family echos through the warehouse. Maisie only stops, flinching when a firm hand grips her shoulder.
"Dad-" Maisie's throat breaks. She stands quickly, hugging him as tightly as she can. He hugs back, holding her head close to his chest, hoping listening to his breathing and heartbeat will be enough to help her calm down as she starts sobbing again.
"It's okay," he whispers repeatedly, stroking her hair. "It's okay..."
"Maisie..." the voice of not Lucifer, but Cas says gently. "I'm so sorry."
"Cas?" Maisie says shakily, wiping her tears as she pulls away from Dean slightly. "You're- is that you?"
"Yes," he says softly. "Lucifer is gone. Amara ripped him from my body."
Nodding slightly, Maisie pulls away from the two, turning to look at the group still crouched by his body instead. "I'm so sorry," she says as loudly as her broken voice will let her. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have- this is my fault."
"It's not your fault," Isabella says softly, wiping her tears away, her face still hidden by her long dark hair. "Max is- was always stupidly reckless when it came to saving the people he loved..."
"Hey!" Ethan snaps gently to the girl who was about to protest again. He takes a moment to compose himself. "What did I say before, huh? I know Max was the same. We've gotta see this through now, okay? For him. For everyone."
Maisie nods her head, her body still shaking and tears still flowing freely down her cheeks. Tucking her fists firmly into her pockets, she turns just in time to see Sam approaching with the weakened Chuck. Dean and Cas, after first making sure Maisie was okay, went to assist.
The two celestial gazes meet from across the room. As soon as they do, Maisie gasps, clutching at her chest as she falls to the floor again. Clara is quick to her side, Blair not long to follow.
"Maisie..." Clara whispers in concern as she grabs her hand to observe the growing discolouration. "This- this isn't good..."
Maisie can only stare at the marks. She wanted to make a comment. That she didn't care, or perhaps cared so much that she hoped it took her. But she was too drained of energy to speak. So instead she just watches the twins, their speaking slowly turning to muffled ringing the longer she sits motionless.
It was only when Blair took her right hand in his left, Clara taking her other hand with her free digits resting gently between her shoulder blades did she realise what was happening. The marks on her skin slowly weaved back together. She looks up to Blair as he tries to speak to her, undoubtedly explaining something about the current situation. But the violent ringing in her ears and the cruel beating of her heart still kept her world in complete silence.
She turns her gaze to Isabella as she walks past her, walking towards the injured God. She couldn't hear what she was saying but from the way she collapses when Chuck shakes his head, she could only assume it's the exact same thing she wanted to do. Beg the being to bring him back.
Her attention is grabbed towards the front entrance when everyone else turns in that direction, Dean cautiously preparing his gun. Rowena and Crowley appear to be the culprits, making quick witted comments to one another before their eyes land on Max's body and the nearby group of his distressed family. Crowley's eyes lock on Maisie's for a moment. He nods solemnly towards her before looking back to the Winchester men, continuing with their conversation.
Suddenly, Maisie is being pulled to her feet by the good witch twins, guiding her towards the front door with everyone else.
"No," Maisie finds her voice again, the soundless environment tuning back in. There were sirens sounding in multiple different locations, car horns and general chaos. "We can't leave him!"
"We're not," Dean promises quickly. "I promise we're just- we're looking at that..." He trails off, looking towards the sun that is glowing redder and brighter than it ever has before.
"Huh..." is all Maisie can get out, staring unblinkingly directly into the rays.

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