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MAISIE WAKES WITH a start, sitting up and staring out into the hallway with its dimly lit light. The woman frowns, pulling back the sheets, swinging herself out of bed and shuffling down the hall.
"This can't be happening." Maisie hears her uncle say as she meets up with Max and her father in the hall. Maisie turns the corner into the kitchen doorway, tilting her head with a frown.

"Dude. Who you talking to?" Dean asks for her.

"Him?" Sam points to the empty space.

"Are you having a stroke? Do you smell toast? Coffee, Max?" Maisie rolls her eyes, walking into the kitchen as the young man hums in confirmation before she stops dead in her tracks, pointing to the table. "What the hell is this? This- this I don't even know what to call it."
"It was me. And those are delicious." A person from behind her suddenly says. Maisie screams and spins around, kicking the large man in rainbow suspenders in the stomach. He stumbles back in shock but seems relatively unfazed. "What the hell?!"

"Wait a second. Can you see him?" Sam questions.

"Uh-huh." Dean, Maisie and Max exclaim, equally freaked out.
"Dean, Maisie, uh- Max... this is, um... I think this is... Sully, my friend from when I was a kid."
"Wait, the Maisie?" Sully suddenly asks, his eyes bulging. "The kick makes sense now."
"What?" All three Winchesters question in different tones.
"Wh- when Maisie was a tot... well... she had a temper."
"Mm..." Maisie considers this, trying to think back on the years prior to her mother's death. "Right, well... I'm gonna get my gun." As Dean stops her, Sully calls out with a plea.

"No, please... Someone killed my friend."

"It is way too early for imaginary friends and instant diabetes related deaths..." Maisie sighs, gesturing to all the sugar-coated food. Rubbing her eyes, the girl pulls out the very few scraps of food that wasn't turned into a monstrosity to make her and Max something a little healthier. When he comes over to help her and pour her a cup of fresh coffee, she barely has the energy to give him a smile. "What do you want us to do about it?"
"First off, that food is delicious. Secondly, 'imaginary friend' is more of a descriptive term. How you just said it? That was a little... offensive, just to be honest. And finally, we're Zanna. Me and... me and the victim - and poor little Holly, we're Zanna. We help kids. We're the good guys. Sam, tell them." Sam's eyes shift between Dean, Maisie and the very real imaginary friend. That is, of course, as long as the very more likely scenario of a gas leak causing the Winchesters to hallucinate the same thing wasn't happening.
"Yeah, okay. Um..." Sam nods. "You know what, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole you being real thing."
"Aww! Yeah, no, no, of course. No, that's okay, that's okay. This is all really unexpected." Sully says just like the way one of Maisie's overly chipper, court-appointed therapists said as they tried to figure out how and why a seemly sound-minded too advanced for her age six-year-old would be the lead suspect on an arson that took a whole school wing to the ground. Maisie shudders as she remembers the memory.

"Yeah, that's one word for it." Dean mutters.

"Just... I need your help. You're hunters, that's what you do, right? I mean, you help people too."
"Yeah, people. Not monsters." Maisie scoffs. "Nah-uh. This is a trap"

"Yeah, I'm with Maisie on this one." Dean speaks up.

"Dean, come on." Sam protests.

"Come on?? Are you kiddi... Look... This... mother-" Dean stops himself from cursing. "You and me, library, right now. Come on!" Dean turns to leave. "Maisie, Max, you too!" He calls back when he senses his daughter not leaving.
Maisie sighs, following her father and uncle out the door, stopping at the kitchen doorway to turn to the following Sully. She raises an eyebrow.
"Aah!" The approachig Sully exclaims before taking a few steps backward. "Yeah, no, I'll just stay here. Coolio." The Zanna holds up his thumb while Maisie rolls her eyes, walking into the library into an already started discussion.

Maisie Winchester: The Cursed HunterWhere stories live. Discover now