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"IM SORRY, HALO, I JUST DONT BUY IT," Maisie says as she turns the page of the fifth men of letters records book in the last twelve hours. Of the last four, she has read cover to cover with no relevant information on anything currently troubling her. "Nali just... let you go? After months of torturing you? Nuh-uh. You two are up to something and I plan on finding out what."
It had been just under a week since the reluctant addition to the team. Maisie tried her best to ignore her whenever she could, instead focusing on trying to figure out how Craig's relative became apart of the story and how she can avoid whatever that poor girl's fate was. Now, the two are sitting at furthest ends of the library table from one another, the angelic, albino-looking version seemingly begging Maisie to just put down the book and rest.
Before Maisie can get into the first fight of the day with the stranger, yelling starts down the hall, slowing growing louder.
"Because it's crazy! Okay?" Dean yells as he rounds the corner. "And it's not gonna happen! How many times do I have to say this is a horrible idea!?"
"Good morning," Maisie sighs, not bothering to look up from the book. This was not the first, nor is it likely to be the last argument the men have had over the exact same topic. "Spicing up the routine this morning, I see. Starting the argument before coffee and bacon."
"Maisie," Dean pauses for a moment. "We thought you were in bed. How long have you been up?"
"Irrelevant," Maisie waves a hand while simultaneously turning a page. "Sam, you were about to say something about 'okay, what else we got'? With big pissed off puppy-dog eyes to try and convince us you're not entirely insane?"
The men pause for a long moment, staring at the woman as if really noticing her behaviour for the first time since the crash.
"Seriously, it's okay," Maisie sighs, lifting her head up for a moment to reassure them she wasn't a zombie. She flicks her fingers as if shooing a stray animal before going back to her reading. "Honestly, the fighting is just white noise at this point. I've distracted you, haven't I? Sam, this is the part where you remind Dad that the darkness is still fucking up the world. Oh! To kickstart you..."
Maisie slides the iPad across the table in their direction. The headline on the newspaper read "Freak Lightning Kills Half-a-Dozen at Local Religious Rally"
"See!?" Sam taps his hand on the screen. Rolling her eyes, knowing she had gotten the men back on track, she tunes back out. "You know Lucifer was the biggest monster ever hatched until you and I hatched one that's even worse! Listen... in the vision, Lucifer touches me and I feel calm like things will be all right. And that's not something I would ever come up with. I mean that is the last thing that I would ever feel."
"If Lucifer touched you, it would be the last thing you think. Ever." Dean stands up, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, responding to Maisie's whistle and outstretched hand, he pours her a small glass too. "Why would God even ask this of you? What proof do we have that any of this is actually real?"

"There was a burning bush."

"A burning bush?"

"Like in the Bible."

"You were in the forest..." Dean says with an angry-calm voice. "There are bushes there and sometimes they burn!" Dean takes a deep breath, sitting back down in his seat.
"I can't take it anymore," The angel says before walking up to the table, slamming her hands down. Everyone looks towards her, even Maisie. These were the first words she was hearing from her that had nothing to do with her or Náli. "Look, why don't we settle this problem once and for all. We go to the source and find out if there is any credibility to your... hallucinations."
"And why should we take orders from you, Halo?" Maisie snaps, sliding her book to the side and turning side on to the table to see her front on. "According to the curse, you're supposed to be killing me."
"You haven't given the curse enough thought," the angel snaps back with just as much venom. "I'm trying to help you. All of you. So you can either take my help or quit your goddamn fighting! Oh, and my name is Tala, not Halo."

Maisie Winchester: The Cursed HunterWhere stories live. Discover now