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"Fight for your fairytale."

I was learning in the library, when suddenly the sound of the door opening distracted me.

Who the hell is that?

I got my answer when the mystery man walked to my desk.

It was Theo!

"Uh hey." He said, grabbing a chair and sitting in my desk.

"Hey!" I smiled, not minding him sitting here.

Since everyone heard I filed a complaint, people won't talk to me, they won't smile at me, and they absolutely won't sit next to me.

It was nice to have someone to talk to.

"What's that?" Theo asked, pointing at the math book on the desk.

That's called learning.

"Oh , I have a test soon." I smiled, lying.

It was lunch time.

I don't like to hear people whispering about me, it makes me feel like I want to shoot my self.

"On lunch time?" He raised a brow.

"I don't like the company."


I love being with people, but lately, they don't want to me be with them.

They're mean.

Except that redhead girl.

She was nice!

Really nice.

"Miss sunshine doesn't like the company?" He gasped.

He knew I was lying.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, changing the subject.

He smiled, "Don't think I didn't notice you changing the subject, but I'm here for you."

"You have a nice smile." I said, I like to compliment people, it makes them feel better, and it doesn't cost anything.

He smiled again, a genuine smile, "thank you, that's really nice of you, I like your eyes, the color."

I got a compliment!!

That's so sweet of him.

"Thank you, my mother had the same color." I smiled, thinking about her didn't make me sad, it made me happy, because she made me happy.

"Lucas doesn't talk about her much, what was she like?" He asked.

The smile didn't leave my face, I loved talking about her, "she was the sweetest person ever, she always made sure we have everything we needed, she died when I was five, Lucas was six, so we don't remember much," I stopped for a second.

My ray of sunshine  (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now