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"And my words shoot to kill when
I'm mad."

•special chapter <3

She's mad at me.

And I want to solve this, really, I do.

But I'm too proud to do so.

I'm to fucking mad to apologise.

I know I'm in the wrong.

But I can't say it.

Because I'm terrified.

I'm so scared.

I don't think she understands that when she puts herself in danger, she put the both of us.

Because if she gets hurt, I'm a dead man.

Because if she gets hurt, I cannot live.

I cannot live without her.

My heart cannot beat without her.

I need her.

But does she need me....?

I don't know.

I just know I hurt her.

And I know she hurt me.

I'm just so tired of having to deal with people who keep ruining our life.

Blair is too nice for her own good.

but usually it's not that bad, cause I'm too mean for anyone's good.

So we manage to maintain balance.

But when I heard her jumping so fast to sacrifice her health for Amber, after everything, I couldn't say anything, because I couldn't process that.

Lucas and I just froze.


"I'll do it."

I turned my head at the sound of the voice.

Please let it be someone else.

It can't be Blair.

It can't be Blair.

It can't be Blair.

But I was wrong.

It was Blair.

My heart shattered on the floor.


Was the only thought that ran to my mind.

'No.' I tried to say, but my throat seemed to disagree with me.

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