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THE sound of glasses clinking together and silver cutlery being laid out was heard, and the sound of old classical classics swarmed Choi Sora's jeweled out ears as she sat at a circled table alone.

She looked more than beautiful on this night particular as it was her best friends eighteenth birthday. She had the prettiest, black ball gown on with silver sparkles streaking through it, and her makeup was done with perfection - though it was quite merely impossible to see her whole face due to the black and gold mask she had on that covered most of her nose and forehead, leaving only her lips visible to everyone.

Sora let out a sigh as her eyes glanced around the large ball room in search for the birthday girl.

Once she eventually found Kim Dohee, she was quick to send her a cheerful smile in hopes of cheering her up.

Though, the gloominess Dohee was feeling was evident and Sora took a sip from the kids wine that was given to her by one of the waitresses that were walking around with a tray of alcoholic drinks and huffed.

Today would've probably been the best day on earth for Dohee if her parents hadn't organized the whole event without asking for her opinion, and actually wondered what the Kim girl had wanted to do.

Sora licked her lips and come to the decision to stand and make her way over to Dohee. She'd had enough of the ball herself, and the fake smiles she was receiving was making it almost unbearable to be there any longer.

"Dohee," Sora began, standing beside her best friend that was by the table of presents near to entrance, greeting the people that arrived. "Let's head back to the dorms. We can celebrate your birthday properly then."

Dohee rolled her eyes and pouted slightly. "I'd love to, but my parents are watching my like a hawk. You head out first, I'll try and be back as soon as I can." She stated and Sora sadly nodded, before she glanced over at Dohee's parents and then back at her friend before waving goodbye and heading for the doors.

The night air was clear, yet there was still a cold wind that cause goosebumps to form on Sora's arms as she hugged her body in hopes of finding warmth from her body heat.

The lights that lit up the pathway weren't doing much use as they flickered and made static noises, giving Sora the impression they were going to blow any moment.

As the Choi girl walked with her head held low and her arms folded in front of her, her body collided with a stronger one, causing her to grunt and drop her clutch that was in her hand.

"Oh, sorry." She muttered and went to bend down to pick it back up, but the stranger had already beaten her to it, and was now handing it back to her.

The boy was tall. He had a slender figure and from what Sora could see, he had plump lips and a sloped nose, and his brunette hair sat perfectly on top of his head.

She could just about see his eyes due to the navy blue - almost black and gold sequent mask he was wearing. He had a pair of white trousers on and his suit jacket was matching to the colour of his mask. The gold on his outfit suited the boy perfectly, and as Sora looked him up and down, she couldn't help but be reminded of a prince.

"Here you go." His voice was in the mix of deep and neutral as he spoke and gave Sora back her clutch.

"Thank you." She smiled, and watched as the boy removed his mask. She felt her breath get caught in her throat as they made eye contact. He was more than handsome. His eyebrows were sharp and his eyes were captivating, and the few moles that were dotted around his face made him even more perfect.

Sora followed the boys actions and removed her mask also. She noticed that there was a glance of pain in his eyes, but the pain was soon washed away with hunger as they made eye contact.

"I'm Sora, are you a relative of Dohee?" She wondered and the boy shook his head slightly.

"Sora, you will do everything I say." He stated as he stared intently into Sora's eyes.

Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion and she stepped back away from him. "Excuse me?" Sora chuckled under her breath. "What are you talking about?" She questioned and looked him up and down just like she did not too long ago, but this time, instead of a look of fascination, it was disgust.

Sora watched as the boys eyes trailed down to the necklace hanging around her neck, causing her to raise her hand and hold onto it in case he tried to take it.

Anger was shown in the boys face and Sora began to slowly walk away from him. She was confused as to why the boy would speak to her as if he had complete control over her, but as she walked away, she shook her head, trying to forget that the situation ever happened.

"Sora," The boy called, making her stop in her tracks and turn back to face him slightly. "I'll see you around." He stated and she somewhat nodded her head before continuing on her way home.


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