Twenty Four.

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Twenty Four.

"I don't know where else she could've gone." Sunghoon panicked as he anxiously paced around the library — just how Jay was doing the day before. "They've taken her, there's no way she would disappear at a time like this."

"Perhaps she went looking for Dohee on her own?" Sunoo suggested, trying to calm the male that was getting agitated at the thought of the love of his life suffering.

Sunghoon sat himself down on the lounge and his knee began to bounce slightly. All he wanted to do was go and search for her by himself but he knew he couldn't. The temptation was high and he felt loss without his other half.

Suddenly, a white haired boy appeared in front of the seven boys. He stood with a smirk on his lips as Sunghoon and Jungwon shot up from their seats and rushed towards him.

"They're alive." The boy — HueningKai announced, his tone nonchalant and without any feeling.

"Where are they?" Heeseung questioned sternly as he pushed both Sunghoon and Jungwon back.

"Somewhere," Kai shrugged. "We'd like to offer you guys a proposal, you can have the two girls back if you fight in the battle against the Fiend Coven one last time."

The seven males in the room all glanced to one another with their eyebrows furrowed.

"Remember how we did in 1940? It'll be just like then. Prepare to meet us at seven pm on the open field." He informed before vanishing.

"What do we do?" Niki questioned as Heeseung sat down on the sofa; a look of gloom overtaking his features as he was deep in thought.

"We'll fight." Sunghoon answered firmly as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Don't drain it all." Taehyun scoffed and shoved Beomgyu away from Sora, who was now sat weakly against the wall.

It had almost been a full day since the two girls had been locked up, and since then, the five boys : Beomgyu, Taehyun, Soobin, Yeonjun and Kai had been feeding off of Sora's blood.

It was making them ten times more stronger than they usually were and it had become their new addiction.

After Beomgyu finished, he wiped his mouth and stood up to allow Taehyun to bite into her arm, another agonizing cry coming from the Choi girl.

"You have to help us." Jake begged the four wolves that stood in front of him on the football pitch.

"What do we get out of it?" Maki scoffed, and Fuma nudged the younger boy.

"Of course we will help, anything for Sora and Dohee." Fuma stated, and a sigh of relief passed Jake's lips. "But wolfboy there, is going to have to quit his death glares." He nodded his head over to Sunghoon, who was stood with his arms folded over his chest and sending harsh looks to the four.

"You're right." Heeseung agreed and slapped Sunghoon's shoulder, making him scoff and roll his eyes.

"Can you not sent Sora out?" Harua questioned with a raised brow, and Sunghoon shamefully shook his head.

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