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SORA felt the world come to a halt around her. It felt as if it was only her and Sunghoon in the room as they had yet to remove their eyes from one another.

He was sat so carelessly on the desk, leaned back in the chair with his arms folded across his chest, that it angered Sora.

She bit down on her bottom lip and sighed to herself, before walking straight over to him with Harua's and Nicholas' words ringing through her mind.

They were right. She couldn't allow them to continue giving her attitude and acting weird around her when she hasn't given them any reasons to.

She watched as a small smirk tugged at the corner of his lip and he sat up in the chair with an amused glint in his brown eyes.

"I didn't appreciate the way Niki spoke to me earlier. He had no right to do that." Sora stated as she came to a stop right beside the desk. "In fact, I don't appreciate the way any of you act around me. First, you ask me all these personal questions, next you're all so secretive around me, then you're avoiding me like the plague and now you're giving me attitude for not wanting to hang out with you."

Sora folded her arms across her chest and let out a scoff and a shake of her head slightly as Sunghoon stayed silent. She could see his tongue poking his cheek and the heartless expression on his face not waver once.

"You are so unbelievable." She stated, and then turned on her heel and began to make her way down the book isle.

She felt infuriated as her grip tightened on her bag strap and her other hand ran through her hair. She couldn't believe he had nothing to say. After her rant to him, he was still taciturn.

Suddenly, a cold hand was wrapped around her wrist, causing the Choi girl to quickly spin around; a gasp accentuating from her lips.

Sora was leaned against the book shelf as she looked up at the boy before her.

Park Sunghoon's arm laid above her head, resting on the shelf and his other hand casually in his pocket once her released his touch from Sora's wrist.

The two stared at one another, not daring to say a word. The tension between them was too thick to be cut with a knife, and the way Sunghoon's eyes wandered from her eyes to her lips caused Sora's stomach to do flips.

"I don't have control over Niki." He spoke just above a whisper once his eyes reconnected with Sora's, who was in a trance like state under his gaze. "We also don't 'avoid you like the plague', we just have things that have to be done." Sunghoon shrugged and Sora felt at a loss of words.

She didn't know what to say to the boy as she felt a mix of emotions swirl around in her stomach.

"You're right, Niki didn't have the right to speak to you that way." He agreed with a small nod of his head.

A quiet chuckle flew from Sora as she crooked her head to the side. "You are so confusing..." She declared, her thoughts on the way Sunghoon was acting now, compared to him in the bakery were running laps in her head, and she couldn't understand why.

Sunghoon smirked down at her. He couldn't help but find her beautiful as she looked up at him, and the shine from the moonlight outside shone brightly onto her face, highlighting all of her dark features. 

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