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SORA watched as Sunghoon's eyes widened and he abruptly stood up, grabbing Sora's hand in the midst and rushing over to the back door.

"Sunghoon," Sora called out, but he didn't answer. She called for him again, though still got no response.

The girl let out an impatient sigh and pulled her hand away from his, making him stop in his tracks and look back at her with panic flashed across his face.

"They're here." Sunghoon eventually stated.

"Who's here?" Sora asked still confused.

"The boys and Dohee. They're pulling up outside right now, and if we don't leave then you're dead." He went on to say with worry in his tone.

Sora's eyes enlarged for a moment at the thought of her dying, before she nodded and Sunghoon interlocked their fingers again and exiting the hut.

The two ran through the woods. They had no destination, but all they knew was that they had to get as far as possible.

Sora could feel her legs begin to burn and her chest start to heave as they ran for longer — but all of a sudden, the two skidded to a stop as Jungwon suddenly appeared in front of them.

Shock over took them both as they turned around to escape but were faced with both Heeseung and Dohee.

Out of instinct, Sunghoon gently pushed Sora so that she was behind him and away from the three. He couldn't and wouldn't allow them to go anywhere near her.

Sora's eyes landed on Dohee and she felt her stomach churn with fear as the thoughts of the other night came back to her.

The Choi girl was quick to look away from Dohee though, as Dohee's eyes found hers and Sora looked at Sunghoon's back and her hand held onto his jacket.

"Sora, go." Sunghoon spoke up, anger burning up inside of him at the thought of his friends wanting to harm her.

Sora took a glance at Sunghoon before she hesitantly ran away, leaving the four there.

Sunghoon watched as Dohee went to go after her but he was quick to step in front of her with an intimidating expression on his face and a glint of disgust in his eyes.

"Sunghoon, her humanity is back on." Jungwon informed and softly tugged Dohee back and away from the taller boy.

"That doesn't change anything. She still tried to hurt Sora." He said with a shrug, looking Dohee up and down.

"Sunghoon, please, I-" She was cut off by Sunghoon scoffing.

"So what now? You're all going to kill her?" He cocked his head to the side, his jaw clenching.

"No," Heeseung shook his head and stepping in front of both Dohee and Jungwon. "We want to help her. No one wants to hurt her, Sunghoon and we won't take her from you."

Meanwhile, Sora let out pants as she ran between the trees and did her best not to trip over sticks.

She glanced behind her to see if Sunghoon was catching up to here and he wasn't — causing worry to form inside of her, and before she knew it, she was running into something.

Her body harshly fell to the floor, causing her to groan in pain. She looked up after inspecting her grazed her and panic was evident on her face at the sight of Jay, Jake, Sunoo and Niki.

They four boys stood above her, making her feel intimidated and quickly turn around and begin to crawl away, but before she could get far, Jake gripped onto her t-shirt and pulled her back towards them.

"Get off!" Sora yelled, trying to shove Jake off of her but he was much stronger than her. "Get off you bastard!"

"Do you expect me to trust you?" Sunghoon asked, and before any of them could answer, Sora's scream caught their attention.

"Liars." The boy furiously stated, and soon headed in the direction of where the screams were coming from.

A chuckle escaped from Niki as he watched the scene and Sora rolled her eyes.

"Sora, calm down." Sunoo's soft voice calmed as he placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked over at him and betrayal showed in her eyes and she ignored him and continued to struggle against Jake.

All of a sudden, a hard hit was thrown across her face, causing her vision to blur and for her to become dizzy.

Jay sighed a long sigh and he lifted the now unconscious girl over his shoulder before the four began to walk back towards the cars.

"What the hell!" Sunghoon yeled in anger as he hurried over to them.

The sight of Sora over Jay's shoulder unconscious. His heart broke at the thought of her being killed.

"Back off." Niki declared and plunged Sunghoon down to the floor harshly.

"She's fine, Sunghoon." Jake reassured. "Niki only knocked her out because she wouldn't listen."

Sunghoon eyed Jay, who shrugged and the boy quickly pushed Niki's hand from his chest and got up.

"I'll carry her." He firmly stated, and Jay sighed and handed Sunghoon Sora.

The group soon began walking in silence back to the cars. Sunghoon was carrying Sora bridal style and he kept glancing down at her. She looked so calm despite the trickle of blood that was on the side of her face. Sunghoon knew the boys and Dohee were going to have a hard time around Sora, but if they were willing to help her, than they knew better than to try anything that would get them killed.


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