The Lost Ship

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3rd POV

We see Bell sitting near the ship's main battery, thinking what will he do next knowing he's now in the world of Azur Lane.

Bell: Okay, I got my self reincarnated in the world of Azur Lane, is excitin but at the same time dangerous. Exciting because I got myself reincarnated in the world of Azur Lane where I actually wanted to go, but also dangerous because there are Sirens I need to worry about.
Sigh... I need to think of a plan to go to a safe place before a Sirens sees me... Seriously I don't even know how to use my riggings properly, what's more if I'll going to fight a Siren! Sigh... By looking around my surroundings, I'm pretty much lost. In my conclusion, I'm pretty much very screwed! Wait! I remembered that in the FanFiction stories of Azur Lane, the protagonist is being found by the Ship girls because they detected an anomaly, or the protagonist sends a SOS signal. Waiting for them to arrive and hopping they detected an anomaly that would be me, is out of the choices because I'm not risking of waiting here for nothing, so SOS signal it is. But how am I going to send an SOS signal? I could do the old fashion way, or send it using my imagination maybe? Let's just do the old fashion way, I also need this book to know where is the radio communication room.

Bell opens the book to see where the radio communication room is, and he founds it. He follows the map on the book as he finally arrives at the front door of that room. He opens the door to see the room filled with radios and wires. He sees a chair and near it where he can send the morse code. He sits on the chair comfortably.

Bell: So this is what a radio communication room looks like up close. Okay, I just need to find a page of how I'm going to use this.

He flips the pages of the book to finally see how to use the radio communication. He reads it while at the same time looking at where he should do it.

Bell: Okay, seems easy enough...?

Bell reach at the radio while holding the book. He activates the radio communication as he follows what the book says and sends a SOS signal randomly.

Bell: There we go, now I just need to wait for somebody to help me. Hopefully I didn't accidentally send it to the Crimson Axis or the Sirens...

Bell then stands up and leaves the radio communication room. He walks while looking at his book.

Bell: Maybe a little snack won't hurt while waiting for their arrival.

The scene changes as we see a room that looks to be the same commander's room in Azur Lane. We the see a man with black hair and brown eyes, while wearing a white naval uniform and glasses, sitting on a chair while signing some papers. A woman with red eyes and blonde hair while wearing a Grenadier Guards uniform, opens the door and comes in the room with a serious look.

???: What brings you here Wales? Is there something wrong?

(What the commander looks like is at the right side of the picture.)


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