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Hello everyone, Shirokuro28 here.

While I was writing for the next chapter of the story, I remembered my art that I recently did. I don't know how I'm going to share it with you guys, but here it is. There's also a meaning to the design, and a message about me that you guys might understand.


Since I was still a child, I love watching people dancing in rhythm, singing in a great melody, while doing it on a majestic stage.

I watch them as they shine so bright on top, people watch them with joy in their hearts.

My eyes shine so bright like a star, a beautiful shimmering star on a cold night.

I watch as my desire of wanting to be like them comes out as a beautiful shimmering star, wanting to catch people's hearts by bringing joy in their life, wanting to be as bright as them on top.

I dreamed of one day...,

I'll become the bright star that I wish to be.


As time passes...,

My life becomes harder to overcome...

Problems overflowing that I can't fix...

Emotions that I don't feel...

Knowing the worlds dark reality...

I slowly lose hope in my dreams...

My stary eyes that shines bright as a shimmering star, has know gone into the dept of the abyss.

The dream that I always wanted to be, has now been buried in my pass memories.

I always feel that a shimmering star still comes back in a blinking light.

But it wasn't powerful enough to move the black cold night.

Watching people have fun as they watch the stars in the sky.

But it wasn't bright as I see it anymore...

Yes, I still enjoyed watching the stars in the sky but...,

I feel there's something missing that I don't know what to find or what to see...

But that all change one day...

A video trailer that gets my interest.

I watch to see the bright shimmeing stars in their eyes.

It gotten me curious as I watch more and more.

Knowing what I will step in on my buried dream.

Diffirent emotions bursting out in colors.

The shimmering star that I thought is now gone, comes back.

It wasn't as bright in the pass, but it came back to awaken my buried dream.

I watch more and more of it.

Enjoying the community of this beautiful discovery.

I then look for the full musical melody that I always enjoyed from the start.

Wanting to know what it means for the world to hear.

Loving the full musical melody as I sing and dance in happiness.


Just maybe...

There was still hope reaching my dream after all...

(I placed my name in the middle so it will be recognized as my original art)

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(I placed my name in the middle so it will be recognized as my original art)

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