Welcome to Azur Lane

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Bell POV

Wales: Where now closing in from the base everyone. In just a few minutes were docking our ships.

I hear Wales as I see the base closing in while Laffey is still petting my ears asleep. I was surprised that the base is much more bigger than I thought.

Bell: Looks like this is going to be the start of my adventure...

For a few minutes, we finally arrived near the base, until I heard Wales calling for me.

Bell: What is it, Miss Wales?

Wales: You need to wait near the port for now, Bell. We still need to find you a dock for your ship, and report this to the Commander that we have arrived.

Bell: I see, I'll wake up Laffey then.

Wales: I'll get myself going now. I'll call you when it's finished.

Bell: Yes of course. Bye, Miss Wales.

I watched Wales as she waves her hand goodbye and leaves both me and Laffey on the deck. I then started to wake up Laffey as I nudge her.

Bell: Laffey, it's time to wake up. We finally arrived at base. You can dock your ship now.

I see Laffey's eye's slowly opens as she rubs them jently.

Laffey: Okay..., Thank you for bringing me here while I was asleep...

Bell: It was nothing Laffey, you were tired from traveling.

Laffey stands up as I realise her ship so she can dock it. I watch her gets of to my deck to her's as she docks her ship.

Bell: I'll wait here until Miss Wales calls me again.

3rd POV

The scene changes as we follow Wales going to the commander's room. Wales opens the door to see the Commander doing paperwork. Wales calls him as Commander Lucian looks up to see her.

Wales: Commander, we successfully retrieve the ship that sends the SOS signal.

Lucian: That's great! Is there any problem that you guys encountered when going there?

Wales: While we were closing in the SOS ship, the Sirens suddenly ambush as, they were using alot of aircrafts.

Lucian: I see..., are you girls alright?

Wales: Yes, we are Commander. While we were battling the Sirens , we were overwhelmed by the sheer number of aircrafts. He rescued us. He use his anti aircraft guns and support us in battle, it was a big help.

Lucian: He, what do you mean he?

Wales: Commander, it's not a ship girl, but a ship boy instead.

The Commander was surprised hearing what Wales said to him.

Lucian: How is that possible?!

Wales: I don't know either Commander, I was also surprised seeing the ship boy. But I have a general idea maybe because of his wisdom cube.

Lucian: His wisdom cube?

Wales: Yes Commander, his wisdom cube is pink instead of light blue.

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