Rescue the Fleet

765 14 13

Arizona POV

I watch as my friend Hornet tries her best to dodge the attacks, while me and the others are hurt and can't stand up to continue the fight. I then saw one of the bomber aircraft going straight to me. I can't move my body to avoid the bomb, so I close my eyes as I wait for my fate.

Shoukaku: This melody is a requiem, to quell the dead. Good bye.

Arizona: No more... Just this once, please let me have it my way...

I close my eyes then waited...
Then waited...
Then waited...

Huh? What happened...? Why didn't I feel any pain...? I'm sure I saw an aircraft bomber going straight to kill me... Did the bome get delayed...? Or..., is this what it feels to die...?

As I opened my eyes to see something surprising that I didn't expect. I saw a little figure infront of me, shielding me from the enemy. And the next thing that the figure said surprised me even more.

???: I'm sorry for disturbing your musical melody miss, but I'm not just going to let you hurt my big sister.

Did he just...
Call me...
Big Sister...?
I'm a Big Sister?!

Bell POV

As I glide myself on water with a fleet beside me. We were all in a mission to rescue Hornet's fleet as they got attack by the enemies. As we all travel in full speed, we finally saw Hornet's fleet in the distance. As I get closer to Hornet's fleet, I saw something that angered me. Everyone in Hornet's fleet can't stand anymore to fight, while Hornet is trying her best to dodge the bombs from the aircrafts.
I then saw Enterprise going straight to save Hornet, as I go to the other ship girls to help them. While I was going closer to them, I saw a bomber plane going straight to Arizona.
This horrifiese me as I watch history repeats it self. I go straight to Arizona as I fire my Anti aircraft guns at the plane. I then saw the plane goes on fire while crashing down into the water. I successfully destroyed the aircraft bomber. I successfully saved Arizona from her demise. I then look behind her as I saw her having a surprise face. I didn't realize I smirked at her reaction. Why did I smirked you ask? Let's just say I have another name that I made in my what if story. That the soldiers given HMS Bell a name while he was always in a commission with Arizona. And what kind of name you may ask? Well-

Bell: I'm sorry for disturbing your musical melody miss, but I'm not just going to let you hurt my big sister.

"Arizona's Little Brother"

Shoukaku: What the?! Who are you?!

Bell: Who am I is not important right now. Right now, I need to help my fellow ships. And if I need to deal with you first... So be it.

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