Fight to Defend

790 18 2

3rd POV

As we go back to the scene of the last chapter, we see two aircraft carriers fly their aircrafts with high numbers of groups.

Akagi: Sakura Empire 1st Carrier Division, Akagi.

Kaga: Sakura Empire 1st Carrier Division, Kaga.

Akagi and Kaga: Behold and tremble!

We see all of the ship girls firing there anti aircraft guns at the aircrafts, but the girls is being overwhelmed by the sheer number of them.

Javelin: There's no end to this!

Laffey: We could be in trouble.

The scene changes as we see aircrafts going to Cleveland and Bell. She and he fires all of their anty aircraft guns to bring it down.

Cleveland: There's just to many!

Bell: If this continuous, were so in trouble...

Suddenly, different aircrafts approaches. Instead of attacking the Azur Lane ships, it's attacks the enemy aircrafts.

Cleveland: Interceptors?!

The scene changes as we see the person who's flying does aircrafts, it was HMS Unicorn.

Bell: (Unicorn...)

Unicorn: Don't bully my friends!

Unicorn's plushie enlarges as we see her mounting it, as the plushie flies in the sky. She flies her aircrafts, while letting her own aircrafts battle the enemies.

Kaga: That girl, she's an aircraft carrier. Such a lean body, she's not much of a meal... But a prey is a prey.

We then see Kaga's ship turn into a giant white fox with giant riggings, as the fox roars at the sky.

Cleveland: Ehhhh?!

Bell: This is just getting out of hand!

Kaga: I shall devour you!

The giant fox looks at Unicorn with excitement and hunger. This made Unicorn alarmed as she tries to retreat. The giant fox flies its aircrafts to Unicorn. Javelin tries to stop it, but their where incoming torpedoes going to her.

Laffey: Watch out!

Laffey pushes Javelin away to safety as the torpedoes hits her instead.

Javelin and Bell: Laffey!

Laffey: Cough cough... Laffey... Still combat capable.

Javelin was relieved she's alright, but Bell knows that she is not combat capable, she's badly hurt. Javelin looks at the person who launches does torpedoes.

Javelin: You...!

Ayanami: Sakura Empire, improved Fubuki-class destroyer Ayanami...

Ayanami attacks Javelin in full speed as she jumps and swings her sword. Javelin was surprised and acts quickly to block the attack, as a giant explosion of water burst around them.

Ayanami: Taste the power of the Demon...!

Javelin: But why...?

Ayanami: We are enemies, of course!

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