Revealing Memories

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3rd POV

Time passes from the last chapter, we see Bell looking at his damage ship. We see his ship's super structure being a wreckage from the last battle he fought. He "Sigh" as he looks down in sadness realizing that it will take a while for his ship to be fully repaired. Suddenly, Bell hears a voice calling for him. He looks at where the noise are coming from just to see Cleveland running towards him.

Cleveland: Bell!

Bell: Oh, hi Cleveland! Why are you calling for me, do you need something?

Cleveland: Commander wants us to be at the Commander's room for a meeting.

Bell: A meeting, for what exactly?

Cleveland: It's about the last fight that we fought. Commander want's to know the information and details for what happened in the fight. He thinks we can use this information as a counter measure if it happens again.

Bell: I see... Sure I'll be right there, just give me a few minutes. I need to check my ship if there's anymore damages

Cleveland looks at my ship to see it's supper structure being a wreckage.

Cleveland: If you keep this up your ship will look just like Enterprise... You need to take a rest.

Bell: I know, Cleveland...

Cleveland: Well, I get myself going now. See you in the Commander's room.

Bell: I'll see you too.

Bell watches Cleveland runs away as he then looks at his ship again.

Bell: Sigh... Looks like I have work to do on my hands. Well then, let's check if there's anymore damages that needed to be fixed.

Bell POV

I was now infront of the Commander's room as I was told by Cleveland that were going to have a meeting about the last battle we fought. I opened the door to see everyone being here, Commander Lucian, Miss Wales, Miss Illustrious, Miss Pennsylvania, Laffey, Javelin, The Main Royal Navy fleet, and Hornet's fleet, all together in one room for a meeting about the last battle.

Lucian: You're finally here, Bell. Where actually about to start the meeting with out you.

Bell: Sorry I was late Commander. I need to check on my ship for anymore damages.

Lucian: Don't worry, I understand your situation. Cleveland told me your ship's conditions from the last battle. When I heard it from Cleveland about your ship's condition, I was worried there might be another Enterprise that I need to take care off. Sigh...

Bell: Don't worry Commander, I'm not planning on it.

Lucian: That's good. Well then everyone, let's start the meeting shall we. First, I want to know what happened in the battle and the conditions that happened in it. Hornet, can you please explain it to me.

Hornet: Yes commander. We where all sailing going to the base, as you told us that you need more ships in service for the war. We were all surprised that you also told us that were going to meet the very fist ship boy that excited in the base. I was confused when you told us that you need USS Arizona for HMS Bell to tell us his full story.

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