Chapter 13

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The pair had dressed quickly and said their goodbyes to his golden dragon, getting themselves back up to the wheelhouse with good timing

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The pair had dressed quickly and said their goodbyes to his golden dragon, getting themselves back up to the wheelhouse with good timing. Viserra noted that she did not see the coachman or guard when they approached, something that struck her as odd. Once inside, Aegon lifted one of the benches to reveal a storage chest underneath. Rummaging with purpose, he pulled two large pieces of clothing out and threw one at Viserra.

"Put this on," he instructed as she watched him unfold what turned out to be a draping, floor length cloak.

Sorting out the clothing piece in front of her, she draped it around her own shoulders. The fabric was heavy and smelled as if it had not been washed in quite some time.

She was about to seat herself when Aegon turned to exit the wheelhouse, again motioning her to follow. Pausing for a moment before taking after him, Viserra thought to ask what he had in mind but ended up deciding against it. There was no doubt someone would soon notice that they were missing and send for them.

Aegon pulled his hood over his head and she suddenly realized this was not the best of ideas. He took off with a purposeful pace when his feet hit the cobblestone. Quickening her own to keep up with him, she hugged the hood snuggly around her face while lowering her eyes towards the ground. She imagined that it might take close to an hour to get back to the keep on foot and tried to gauge their location by guessing the amount of time they had been walking.

They descended from the hill down to the dirty and busy streets below. Viserra noticed that many had already lit small fires as the light from the sun continued to fade from the sky. People gathered around each other partaking in different forms of entertainment, something she did not give much look into so as to not draw unwanted attention.

They had been weaving and walking around the alleys for more than a few minutes before finally stopping. Her head had been lowered and she ran right into the back of Aegon. As she let out a squeak from the sudden collision, he turned to look at her and chuckled.

"Let's go have a drink, shall we?" He suggested as Viserra looked up and around to take note of where they were at.

They stood in front of a large wooden door that didn't do much to mute the laughter and voices coming from behind it. Above the entrance was a hanging sign with the drawing of a dragon and "The Dragon's Drink" written underneath it. Of all things, he had brought her to a tavern.

Of course, she thought, where else would he have taken her? After all, she hadn't seen him with a drink the entirety of the day.

Aegon put his head back down and opened the tavern door. Following suit, she quickly slipped in behind him. For a moment she wondered if he had lost his mind, bringing them to such a busy and chaotic establishment without anyone else's knowledge of their whereabouts. Maneuvering around several people, he led her to the back corner to a small table with two chairs.

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