Anything for you

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You and the squad have taken a day off from missions. You're putting some ointment on a cut Crosshair got during the last mission.
"Cut it out, Y/N. I'm.. fine." Crosshair says, wincing.
"Cross..." You say.
"C'mon Crosshair, be grateful!" Wrecker says.
Crosshair rolls his eyes.
"You see how small the wound is. It'll heal on its own. I don't need whatever that is." Crosshair says, pointing to the bottle of ointment with his toothpick.
Tech walks over. "That is an ointment composed of-" He begins.
"Quiet." Crosshair interrupts.
Tech scowls slightly, walking away.
You finish putting the ointment on and put a small bandage on the wound. Wrecker and Omega walk over to you.
"Want to come on a walk with us?" Omega asks.
"Sure." You say, gesturing for Crosshair to follow you. Hunter, Tech, and Echo come along too.
As you're about to leave, Crosshair puts on his helmet.
"You don't have to do that anymore." You say.
He slowly takes it off and sets it down. You take his hand and follow the others.

You and the squad walk around Ord Mantell. Wrecker and Omega head for the Mantell Mix stand. You all stop and wait for the two of them. You look at Crosshair. He keeps looking around, as if he's expecting something to happen.
"Cross? You okay?" You ask.
"I'm fine." Crosshair replies.
Wrecker offers you some Mantell Mix. You take some. Crosshair looks skeptically at it.
"Come on, try it!" Omega says.
He takes the toothpick out of his mouth and eats a few pieces.
"Not bad." He says.
As you continue to walk around the streets of the district, you see Hunter smile at you and Crosshair. You soon head back.

You lead Crosshair into a corner of Cid's Cantina.
"You seemed stressed earlier. What happened?" You ask, concerned.
He sighs. "It doesn't feel like how it used to be. I keep thinking about what I said to Hunter, and what I said about the kid."
"All that matters is that we're here now." You say.
"I keep thinking that Tarkin is watching me." Crosshair says, scoffing at the thought of him.
"Remember what you said to me?" You begin.
"What?" He responds.
"You told me you would fight the Empire, and even Admiral Tarkin for me. I would do the same for you." You say.
"Mesh'la... You're perfect." He says.
Crosshair gets up and walks over to Hunter.
"I'm.. sorry for what I said about all of you." You hear Crosshair awkwardly say.
"It's alright, Crosshair. It's good to have you back." Hunter says.

The next morning, you wake up without Crosshair next to you. You see him already dressed in his armor.
"We have a job." Crosshair says.
"And you waited until now to tell me?!" You say, frantically getting out of bed and collecting your medical supplies.
"Calm down, Y/N. We got it just this morning. You have time." Crosshair reassures you.
You walk over to find your clean clothes, and you're suddenly jolted as the ship takes off.
"Careful." Crosshair chuckles.
Once you're dressed, you get some rations and sit with the rest of the squad.
"I can't believe Crosshair was the first one to get a girl! I thought it would be me!" Wrecker laughs.
"You're just jealous." Crosshair says, smirking.
"You two are so cute together!" Omega says.
Crosshair blushes.
"Alright, alright. Let's focus on the mission." Hunter says.
"We're supposed to get some supplies from an Imperial base." Echo says.
"I think we can handle it." You say, nudging Crosshair.

You land away from the base in a nearby ship port. Everyone gets their armor ready. You get your dagger, blaster, and med kit. Hunter has been teaching you come some knife skills.
"Ready, Commander?" You joke with Crosshair.
"Commander?" Everyone else says in unison.
Crosshair sighs. "You missed a lot."
Before you approach the base, Crosshair shoots the security cameras with his sniper rifle.
"We need to be quick." Hunter reminds all of you.
You all sprint towards one of the entrances. You and Wrecker use your blasters to stun the guards.  Echo unlocks the door. You and Crosshair recognize the structure of the base.
"This way." You say, motioning towards the medical bay where the supplies are.
Tech opens the door. Admiral Tarkin is inside the medical bay along with several troopers guarding him. There are some clones on tables that are unconscious, clearly being experimented on.
"CT-9904. You're back." Tarkin remarks.
Crosshair takes off his helmet and puts a toothpick in his mouth.
"Admiral. Long time no see." He says.
Crosshair sees all of you aiming your blasters at Tarkin.
"Lower your blasters." Crosshair continues. He gives you a nod that says, just trust me.
"What's all this?" Crosshair says, looking around the room.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You don't work for the Empire anymore." Tarkin responds.
Tarkin sees you.
"Ah, Y/N. It's good to see you." He says.
"That's funny... I thought the opposite when I saw your face." You sneer.
"I hate to break it to you, Admiral..." Crosshair starts.
All of you surround Crosshair, watching for the signal to get the supplies.
"But we'll be taking all this." Crosshair says, flicking his toothpick on Tarkin.
Wrecker shoves Tarkin onto the ground. Echo stuns one of the guards. You stab the other with your knife. The rest of the squad gets the supplies.
"What about the clones?" Omega asks as you're about to leave.
"There's no time!" Hunter says.

All of you run out of the medical bay. A squad of Imperial troopers surrounds all of you. One of them takes you and holds you at gunpoint. Your breathing becomes faster and heavier.
"Don't move! Or your medic here won't even be alive to fix you scum anymore." The trooper holding you says.
Your eyes tear up. You look at Crosshair.
"You messed with the wrong scum." Crosshair says.
Crosshair shoots the trooper holding you. The other guards shoot at the squad. One of the shots hits you in the shoulder. Everyone else begins quickly shooting the other troopers. More troopers are on their way. You get up from the ground and try to run with the squad outside. Wrecker picks you up and carries you on one shoulder and the crate of supplies on the other.

Everyone is panting by the time you make it back to the Marauder. Tech gets the ship into hyperspace. Wrecker sets you down.
"Y/N... How can I help?" Crosshair says, kneeling down in front of you.
"This is nothing." You say, grimacing.
"Y/N..." Crosshair says sternly.
"I've seen... worse." You continue.
He picks up your medical supplies and slowly wraps your arm in a bandage, then putting it in a sling.
"Just like what I did for you." You say, gasping as he bandages it.
"You did it much better than this." Crosshair says, smiling.
As you're about to stand up, Crosshair stops you.
"Let me take care of you for once." He says.
He gingerly picks you up, being careful of your arm, and carries you to the bedroom. He sets you down and lays down next to you.
"Cross, it's a little wound..." You say.
"You did the same for me when I had that small cut." He says.
He shifts his body so your head rests on his chest.
"That was kriffing amazing what you did earlier." You say, looking up at him.
"Anything for you, my love." Crosshair says, smiling.

Crosshair x Female Medic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now