Dinner Party

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Note: It's been a long time since I've been able to have time to update this one! I know you guys really like this story though, so I wanted to make sure I updated it. It ends on a cliffhanger (?) kind of? I'll make sure to add more parts when I can.

You sit outside the ship with Tech's datapad as someone refuels the Marauder to prepare for your next mission. You're trying to see if there's any recent news about the Empire.

"Have you found anything?" Omega asks.

You shake your head and turn off the datapad. "Nope. Only 'good' things have been reported. The Empire is very secretive."

"Even Nala Se barely told me anything..."

You feel bad for Omega. You know she's curious about who she really is.

"Hey, Y/N?" Wrecker says.


"Hunter wants to talk to you and Crosshair."


You meet up with Crosshair and Hunter. Crosshair smiles at you when he sees you.

"Do you think you two can handle an undercover mission?" Hunter asks.

"What kind of undercover mission?" Crosshair responds.

"You'll be undercover as a married couple who has donated a generous amount to the Empire's research projects. It's... a dinner party."

"A dinner party?" You repeat curiously.

"Yes." Hunter looks around, then at you two again, lowering his voice. "I need you to understand that this mission is vital. It's incredibly risky, too. We could get information about Omega. Why the Empire wants her."

"We'll be fine, Hunter." Crosshair says.

Hunter sighs. "I'll give you more details when we're on the ship with the rest of the squad."


Once the ship is refueled, Tech and Echo fly the ship off of Ord Mantell. Hunter stands in front of all of you.

"For this mission, Crosshair and Y/N will be the only ones not on the ship. We can't risk their cover being blown."

"Wait... they get to do an undercover mission?" Omega asks, excited.

Hunter nods. "We'll be talking them through what to do and we'll be listening to the conversations they're having."

"How will Crosshair and I get in? What if they find out who we are?" You ask.

"I have created fake chain codes for you and Crosshair, as well as aliases. Crosshair, for tonight, you are Dexen Winters. As for Y/N, you are Cynthia Winters."

Crosshair sighs. "Fine..."


You get dressed in the nicest outfit you own. It's a sparkly F/C dress. Crosshair is wearing a simple black suit.

"You have a suit?" You say, surprised.

He laughs. "I figured I needed one for our special dinner party."

You hand Crosshair his fake chain code. "Here you go, Dexen."

He places it in his pocket. "Why thank you, my darling Cynthia."

Omega grins when she sees the two of you.

"You both look amazing!"

Crosshair looks a little embarrassed. You smile at him to reassure him.

Crosshair x Female Medic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now