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Summary: You and the squad have a competition, and both you and Crosshair get competitive with each other.

Warnings: None

A/N: You all seem to love flirty Crosshair, so I figured you'd enjoy this chapter. :)


     After yesterday's mission, you and the squad are taking today off to refuel the Marauder and relax before heading back to Ord Mantell. At least, some of you are relaxing.

"Which wire do I cut?!" You hear Omega shout from outside the ship.

"I don't know, but you'd better pick one soon!" Wrecker's loud voice responds to her. 

You glance out one of the windows and see Wrecker and Omega kneeling on the ground, leaning over a small explosive. 

Hunter shakes his head and sighs as he looks out the same window. "Not this again..."

"Relax, Hunter. It's a smoke bomb."

"I know, but I don't think Wrecker's 'teaching style' is working for Omega."

You hear a beeping noise that starts to increase in frequency.

"Run!" Wrecker yells. 

Now, as you look out the window, all you can see is a haze of smoke. You can hear Wrecker's laughter. You're sure that both of them are alright, but you walk off of the ship just to make sure.


     After a few moments, the smoke eventually clears. 

"Everyone alright?" You ask.

"We're fine..." Omega confirms, the fear still apparent in her voice.

Wrecker walks over to Omega and helps her up. "Look, I'll tell you what. I'll actually show you what to do this time."

"Please... I don't think I'll ever do it right like this." Omega replies.

Now that you've made sure that both of them aren't injured, you walk on to the ship again, joining the others by the window. You see Wrecker now teaching Omega step-by-step how to defuse the bomb. You watch closely. You could use a refresher; after all, it's been years since you went through basic training at the Imperial Academy. 

Wrecker walks up the steps into the Marauder. "Guys, I have an idea!"

"Oh no..." Tech mutters.

"Let's have a competition to see who can defuse the bombs the fastest!" Wrecker continues.

"That's not fair. You're the demolitions expert." You chime in.

"I'll be the judge." Wrecker tells you.

Wrecker looks around at all of you. "Please?"

Hunter sighs. "Fine."

All of you follow Wrecker outside the ship.


     Wrecker lays a small smoke bomb in front of each of you. You're sitting next to Crosshair. You pick up the smoke bomb, inspecting the outside of it. 

"Scared, darling?" Crosshair chuckles. "Don't tell me you've forgotten how to defuse a simple bomb."

You get a little flustered by his accurate comment. "I'm a medic... it's... we get different training than you."

"Looks like someone didn't continue to review her textbooks."

You roll your eyes playfully. "Like you did."

Wrecker stands in front of all of you. "I'll time each of you. There will be five rounds. Whoever wins the most rounds-"

"What if it's a tie?" Tech asks.

"We'll... we'll deal with it if it happens. Anyway... on your marks, get set, go!"


     All of you have been given tools to defuse the smoke bomb. You try and subtly glance over at Tech to see what's he's doing, but he's already so far ahead that it's no use. You look over at Crosshair who is taking off the outer layer of the device.

"Hey. No cheating." He jokes.

You look back to your own device and start using one of the tools to pry off the outer shell. "I was not." 

"Sure. Whatever you want to tell yourself."

You've now taken the outer layer off. You use a different tool to get to the core of the device. Before you can make any real progress, however, Wrecker says that time is up and that Tech won the first round.

Everyone but Tech groans in frustration. 

"If you simply-" Tech begins.

"Yeah, yeah. You can explain later. On to the second round!"


     This time, Wrecker puts a different device in front of you, but its design is still very similar to that of the smoke bomb, so you think that you might have a better chance this round.

Wrecker starts the stopwatch, and all of you get started. You know which tool to use to get the outer layer off, so you get that step done much faster than before. You switch between various tools to try and get the second layer off. Hunter seems to give up on using the tools that Wrecker gave him and instead is using his dagger to forcefully pry off the inner layer. You work at your own pace, knowing that you probably won't win this round, but you're trying, at least. 

"Done!" Omega says. 

Nobody is bitter when Omega wins the round. All of you are just proud of her for learning.

"Three more rounds to go." Wrecker tells all of you.

To prepare for round three, he sets a device in front of each of you. It looks much different than anything you've seen before. 


     Everyone begins to work as Wrecker starts the stopwatch.

"I recognize this from the textbook..." Crosshair says, elbowing you gently. 

You laugh as you continue to try and get to the wires. "There's no way you recognize this."

"This particular explosive is a series-"

"Shut up..." You say cheerfully.

After a little while of everyone working, Crosshair says, "Finished."

He gives you a smug smile. 

"Hmm... I think the only reason you won this round was because you got lucky." You tease.

"Lucky?" Crosshair laughs. "I don't need luck."


     It's the second-to-last round. Wrecker puts a device in front of each of you- one you've never seen before. You look around, and it seems that the only people who recognize this device are Tech and Wrecker, of course.

The round begins, Wrecker laughing as he sees the rest of you with puzzled expressions as you try and plan out what your very first step to disarm it will be. All of you except Tech look around at each other, shrugging. You all sit back, watching as Tech swiftly removes each layer and cuts the green wire, disarming the bomb.

"How did you..." Hunter begins.

Tech readjusts his goggles. "Well, I thought it was obvious."

Wrecker replaces each of your devices with a new one.

"The final round..." Wrecker says.


     Looking down, you see that this device is familiar to you. You do remember it from basic training. 

You crack your knuckles. "You're going down, Crosshair."

"Is that so? We'll see about that."

Wrecker starts the round, and you quickly begin to remove the first layer of the explosive. You remember the day when all of the cadets in basic training needed to disarm this specific device. It's a relatively simple process, nothing too impressive, but you're happy that you remember it. After a little while, you see the two wires. You think back to what your instructor said about cutting the blue wire. You cut it, and the device is now disarmed. 

"Done!" You say excitedly. 

Everyone looks at you, amazed.

"Well, look at that..." Crosshair laughs. "The medic won."

"See? I did remember something from basic training." You say proudly.

"Technically, I won the competition..." Tech speaks up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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