The Injury

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Summary: You get injured on a mission and nobody knows how to help since you're the medic.

Warnings: **(Slight) TBB SEASON 3 PREMIERE SPOILERS**, mentions of injury, cursing

Notes: Sorry for my uncreative title, LMAO. I couldn't come up with a better one at the time.

     You're on a mission with the squadron on a planet in the Outer Rim. The planet is beautiful; red, orange, and yellow leaves fall from the large trees, and a cool breeze is in the air. You would've loved to visit this planet under different circumstances.

"Stars..." You murmur in disbelief. "I haven't seen anything like this in years."

"It's nice to be outside." Echo comments. "Especially after all that time being inside..."

"Do we have to do this mission? We could just stay and enjoy this." You ask.

"We're low on credits." Hunter replies. "Fuel's gotten expensive."

"There." Tech says, pointing ahead of all of you. "That is where we will find the mercenaries."

"Something about this mission feels off." You say. "Doesn't it seem too easy? Besides, this mission is from a member of one of the royal families. They can hardly be trusted."

"Too late to turn back." Wrecker responds, moving to the front of the group.

"I do not think we have to worry about anything other than the usual concerns." Tech reassures you. "It is simple: a mercenary crossed a noble, and the noble wants revenge."

"Leave it to me." Crosshair chimes in. "All I need is one shot."

"Oh, yeah? Your aim's gotten worse, Crosshair." Wrecker says.

Crosshair scoffs. "You were the idiots who turned on the reactor core and had me in the med bay for months. Not to mention the toxic gas that Hemlock used on me, too."

"Crosshair-" You intervene.

Crosshair looks like he was about to keep going, but stops himself once you intervene.



     You all make your way to the high ground so Crosshair can get a good shot through the window.

"It's set to stun, right?" Hunter asks him.

Crosshair is laying on the ground, looking through the scope of his sniper. "For the last time, yes."


Crosshair looks through the scope and takes the shot. You watch as the shot misses the mercenary through the window. His hand shaking caused him to aim a bit too far to the left.

You see the mercenary shout for some of his companions and head for the main entrance to find you all.

"Dammit!" Crosshair shouts.

You place your hand on Crosshair's shaking hand. "It's alright, Crosshair."

Crosshair continues to curse under his breath.

"We need to get down there- fast." Hunter says.

All of you follow him to meet the mercenary and the others with him.


     A human male mercenary who appears to be in his 30s approaches all of you. On his left and right are two other mercenaries that are aiming their blasters at you.

"Easy, now." Hunter attempts to negotiate.

The mercenary you're after scoffs. With a deep, gruff voice, he continues, "Trying to negotiate? And what, I'm supposed to pretend that guy didn't just try and shoot me?"

"It is your own fault for crossing a noble." Tech states.

"The coward should've come after me himself." The mercenary chuckles. "Instead he sent... what are you, even?"

Hunter steps closer to him. "We're The Bad Batch."

That's the signal.

All of you start trying to stun the mercenary. Echo succeeds in doing so, but his companions aren't stunned yet. As you try to run for some cover, you cry out in pain as you feel a burning sensation in your right upper leg. You fall to the ground, inspecting your leg. The wound has cauterized because of the heat of a blaster fire, but it's a deep wound, and it potentially could've damaged your arteries. Crosshair turns around and sees you on the ground.

"Y/N!" He shouts, rushing over to you.

Crosshair kneels down next to you. In the background, you see Wrecker and Tech stun the remaining mercenaries. Everyone runs over to you.

"W-What do we do?" Wrecker panics.

"Kriff..." Hunter says under his breath. "She's the medic."


     "Wrecker- go take the mercenary onto the Marauder." Hunter tells him.

Wrecker nods and begins to do so.

You try to stop yourself from writhing in pain, but the burn is excruciating. Crosshair holds one of your hands firmly.

"What do you need us to do?" He asks.

You've never been in a position like this before. You've always been tending to other people's wounds- not the other way around. "Here, take my medical bag. Get a Stimpack and inject it near the wound."

Crosshair's shaky hand has gotten worse with the stress of the situation. The Stimpack shakes in his hand.

"Here, I'll do it." Omega says, taking the Stimpack from Crosshair.

To your surprise, she does it smoothly and efficiently.

"There." She says.

"How did you-"

"I was Nala Se's medical assistant on Kamino. I have some experience."

You smile weakly. "Thanks."

Crosshair and Hunter help you up, putting each of your arms around one of their shoulders so they can help you walk to the Marauder.


     "Cross, I'm fine." You insist as he runs yet another scan on you in the ship's medical area.

"You did the same thing to me when I was injured."

"That was different. The entire right side of your head was burned."

"This is serious, too, Y/N."

"I know, but remind me who's the medic here?"

Crosshair rolls his eyes. "I am well aware of that, c'yare. I just... I care about you. A lot."

"I know. I care about you too." You shift around on the uncomfortable medical table. "Kriff, this thing is uncomfortable."

Crosshair laughs. "Now you know how all of your patients feel."


     After a lot of convincing, you finally persuaded the others to let you rest in Crosshair's room instead of the medical bay. Crosshair knocks at the door.

"Come in." You respond.

Crosshair's tall figure becomes clearer as he turns on the light.

"Sorry to wake you. I just figured that you needed some ointment."

You smile. "That would be nice."

Crosshair sits on the bed next to you and takes off your old bandages.

"I'm sorry if this stings." He says, beginning to apply the ointment.

It does, but you're able to manage the pain. Crosshair puts some new bandages on your leg.

"Thank you." You say softly. "For taking care of me."

Crosshair kisses you. "Anything for you, mesh'la."

Crosshair x Female Medic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now