A Date

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Note: When I talk about some medical things in this chapter, I am in no way trained on any medical care. This is just what I've seen medics do in Star Wars.*
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of spicy?

After your last mission, you and the squad make it back to Ord Mantell. It's midday. The criminal has been conscious for a while, even though Wrecker hit him hard over the head. Crosshair has the pirate cuffed and he holds him by the arm. 
He really does look like a bounty hunter right now... You think, trying to hold back the smile on your face.
He turns to you. "What?" 
"Nothing." You say. "You just look like..." 
He looks suspicious. "Like what..." 
Wrecker catches up with you two. "Like a bounty hunter!" 
Crosshair rolls his eyes. "Oh, please..." 
Hunter opens the door for all of you. You walk with Crosshair into Cid's office. 
"We did what you asked. Now, where's our credits?" Crosshair asks, letting go of the criminal. 
"Alright, alright, settle down... geez." Cid says, handing over the credits.
As you two are about to leave, you hear Cid mutter, "I can't believe they pulled that off..." 
Crosshair turns back to her. "So you doubted us, huh... We're actually out there doing the job." 
Cid rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Now get lost. I'll have a job for you later." 

Everyone heads back to the ship since Echo and Tech need to make a few repairs. You and Crosshair go to Crosshair's room. 
"That was clever of you yesterday. With the badge." Crosshair says.
"I just can't believe it worked." You reply.
"You didn't call me commander, though." He says. 
You smirk. "Are you jealous or something?"
"Maybe." He responds, avoiding the question. 
You laugh. "You were always so stubborn about that when we were in the Empire."
"Well, Tarkin did put me in charge." He says. 
"Yeah, yeah. I know." You smile.
Crosshair sits down on the bed. "Do you want to go spend some of those credits we earned?"
"Sure. Let's ask Hunter, and we can see who wants to come with us." You say.
"Actually, I was thinking it could just be the two of us..." Crosshair responds.
You smile. You two haven't really been on a date for a while. Probably not since your time with the Empire. 
"I'd like that." You respond.

Crosshair walks up to Hunter. "Y/N and I are going out." 
"Ooooh..." Wrecker teases. 
Crosshair turns to him. "Grow up, Wrecker..." 
"Come on, cyar'ika." Crosshair says, walking out the door. 
You blush a little. You aren't used to him flirting with you in front of the others. 
"Cyar'ika?" Wrecker repeats. 
"It means 'darling' or 'sweetheart' in Mando'a." Tech explains.
"Wow..." Wrecker says. 
"Have fun!" Omega says. 
Crosshair is waiting for you outside. You catch up with him.
"You alright?" He asks, wondering why there was a holdup.
"Yeah. Wrecker just asked what cyar'ika meant." You tell him.
He chuckles. "None of you are used to the compliments I give you, I guess." 
You all walk to the various shops and market stalls. 
"Where to, 'Commander'?" You ask.
He pauses for a moment to think. "Your medical bag is falling apart. Let's get you a new one." "We don't need to do that, really." You say. "It's just... got a few tears."
He turns to you. "I'm afraid on the next mission, everything is going to fall out of it."
"I guess you're right." You say, continuing to walk with him.

As you search for a new bag, Crosshair holds your hand.
"Are you having fun?" He asks.
You nod. "Yeah. We haven't been on a date in a while."
"That's true. We've been so busy lately. I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to go on a date for while." Crosshair says.
"It's okay." You respond. "I'm happy with any time I can spend with you."
You two walk through the streets of Ord Mantell some more. Some citizens look at you suspiciously because they see Crosshair is a clone, and he still has his armor painted black. 
"You know, Cross, I think you should paint your armor. You're a part of the squad again." You suggest. 
Crosshair looks down at his armor. "I guess I could do that. I do feel a little guilty for shutting Tech down when he asked about it." 
You smile slightly. "I bet he'd like to paint your armor with you."
"I have a feeling Omega suggest the brighter colors." He responds. 
You spot a market stand in the distance with bags that look suitable for your medical supplies. 
"Over there!" You say, pointing to the stand.
Crosshair follows you. A woman stands behind the shop. 
"What are you looking for today?" She asks.
"Something to hold her medical supplies." Crosshair responds.
"My fabrics are pretty durable. Here, one second." She says. 
You see her show you some bags with zippers. There are many different designs, and they look handmade. There's a bag with a cute loth cat design that catches your eye.
"Can I have that one?" You ask. 
"Of course." She smiles. 
Crosshair looks at the pricing of the bags on the sign near the stand and hands over the credits. It's a little more than you were thinking of spending, but the bag seems like it'll last a while. The bag is like a satchel. You put it over your shoulder. 
"It looks nice." Crosshair says, smiling slightly.
"Yeah. It's much better than the plain bag they gave me." You say.
You joined the Empire a few years ago, and you had your old one since you were a medical student at the Imperial Academy. It's nice to have a change. You find that you and Crosshair are beginning to transition more and more from your Imperial lifestyle to being part of The Bad Batch. 

You and Crosshair sit down on a bench to rest for a little while. You look around you. Ord Mantell seems peaceful, but you know that at any moment the Empire could take over the planet.
"Do you think the Republic will stop the Empire?" You ask Crosshair.
"I don't know much about the Republic. But I do know that the Empire will stop at nothing to take over all these planets." Crosshair responds, a grim look on his face.
"I guess all we can do is hope and continue fighting." You say, trying to be optimistic.
"Well, the 'good guys' have you on their side, so that make the chances of taking down the Empire much higher." Crosshair says.
You lean on his shoulder. "Maybe. I guess if you and I were convinced to leave the Empire, there's hope for the Republic." 
"They have people like Rex and Howzer. As much as Rex bothered me on Anaxes and Skako Minor, he is a very good negotiator, and a good man." Crosshair says. 
"I think I've seen Howzer before. I don't know about Rex, though." You respond.
"Maybe someday you'll meet him." Crosshair says. 
A few hours have passed, and you're getting hungry. It's about the time when you usually eat dinner.
"Want to get some dinner?" You ask.
"Sure. I think there's a place just a few minutes away from here." Crosshair responds.

You and Crosshair search for the restaurant he mentioned. It's nothing too fancy, but it's at least better than rations. A waiter takes you two to a table. 
"Can I get you two any drinks?" He asks.
"Whatever liquor you have." Crosshair says. 
You try not to laugh. He would always give a vague response when you would see him at the bars near your base.
"I'll have a Lothal spicebrew, please." You say.
The waiter leaves to get your drinks.
"You know that you could get an actual drink on the menu, right?" You laugh.
"I can never decide. They all do the same thing, anyway." Crosshair says.
"Well, yeah, but certain ones taste better than others. Just try mine when he brings it over." You say.
"Fine." He agrees. 
You love Crosshair's stubborn demeanor sometimes, but you also like to get him to try new things. The waiter comes back with your drinks. Crosshair's drink is some sort of purple liquor in a tall glass. Yours comes in a brass-looking mug. The ice has made it so the outside of the metal is wet with condensation. You push your drink to his side of the table. He rolls his eyes.
"Come on, Crosshair. Stop being so edgy. Just try it." You tease.
He takes a sip and looks surprised. "That's... pretty good, actually." 
"See? It's good to try new things." You smile. 
He takes a sip of his and immediately drinks some water afterwards. 
"That is... incredibly strong." He coughs.
"That's what you get for ordering straight liquor. There's a difference between ordering just a  glass of ale and straight liquor." You explain. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" He says, laughing at his mistake.
"Because I wanted to see this. It's funny." You smile.
"Someday you are going to order something like this. Then I'll be the one laughing." He says. 
"We'll see about that." You laugh.

After you two get your dinner, you head back to the ship. You made sure to bring back leftovers in case anyone in the squad (Wrecker) wants some. 
"You two were gone for a while." Hunter says.
"We were having fun." You smile.
Echo looks over at you. "Some of us had to fix the ship." 
"And we're very grateful for that, Echo and Tech." You say.
"You should be..." Echo mutters. 
"We got a new bag for my medical supplies." You say, showing all of them the design on your bag.
Omega gasps. "Loth cats! So cute!" 
Crosshair walks over to Tech. "Do you want to paint my armor with me tomorrow? I don't know what colors to use." 
Tech looks a little surprised. "Sure. I'll get the paints ready for tomorrow."
Wrecker is already eating some of the leftover food you brought back. 
"Why wasn't I invited?" He jokes. 
You and Crosshair go back to his room. You get your old medical bag from underneath your bed and take out the supplies. Crosshair sits next to you. 
"Tell me about these supplies. How does it actually work to heal someone?" He asks.
"Why the sudden interest?" You ask, putting away some gauze. 
"I've never really taken the time to ask you about what you've learned, Doctor." He says.
"Well, I'm not a doctor. Not yet, at least. But it depends on the wound." You respond.
"Let's say someone was shot in their leg by a rifle like mine." Crosshair says.
You pause for a moment to think. "Well, I would obviously have the person sit or lay down. I would apply pressure to the wound in case it was bleeding, especially depending on the size of the wound. That's more for stab wounds, though, since rifle shots just leave a hole. For a rifle shot, I would clean the wound with some sort of alcohol and wrap it in gauze and a bandage."
"What about my wounds?" Crosshair asks. 
"Well, those were much different. We needed a whole team of medics to help you since you were burned. The most important thing was keeping you stable and getting you oxygen since you inhaled so much smoke. There wasn't much we could do about the scarring." You explain.
"Well, I appreciate what you were able to do for me. I mean it." He says, smiling.

After you transfer all of your supplies to your new bag, you look at the difference between your old one and your new one.
"You were right. I really needed a new one." You say. 
You lay down on the bed. Crosshair starts to kiss you. 
"Cross-" You say, a bit startled.
"Do you want me to stop, cyare?" He asks. 
"No." You say. "The opposite, actually."

Crosshair x Female Medic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now