chapter one

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"Congratulations, Katherine," Ms Lewis says with a soft smile as she hands me my marked test. My shoulders unstiffen in relief as I look at the circled 100, written in red pen at the right corner of the paper.

Turning around, I face Paige who is looking at her paper indifferently. She looks up at me, a hint of a smile on her pink lips. I show her my grade proudly and her smile grows.

"Good job, Kat," she exclaims and puts her paper down. I spot her perfect grade and congratulate her back. Then, I turn to Sofia, my other best friend, who is looking at the clock through hooded eyes.

"I'm so bored right now," Sofia complains, laying her head on the desk and using her arms as a pillow. Paige rubs her back and then looks back at me.

"Well done, Hero." Ms Lewis' voice grabs my attention and I look over Paige's shoulder to the blonde boy at the back of the classroom. The teacher hands a paper to the curly-haired boy next to him and moves to the front.

As if he senses my eyes on him, he looks up and catches me staring. A mischievous smirk forms on his lips and he turns his paper around showing off his perfect score.

Rolling my eyes at him, I look back at the front of the class. Ms Lewis continues her lesson, writing on the white board and I take notes.

"Be quiet, Hero," the teacher asks again and the blonde boy at the back apologises, only to start talking a few minutes later. I rub my temple sighing and forcefully put my pen down.

"Hero, you are being disruptive. Keep it down, please." He looks over at me, his conversation with William cut short. He apologises and quickly looks down at his notebook, picking up his pen.

When the bell rings, Ms Lewis has finished her lesson without being interrupted again by a certain blond someone.

The girls and I walk out of the classroom and towards our lockers. I stop in front of my locker and leave my stuff inside, taking out the biscuits my mom made.

Paige and Sofia take one biscuit each from the paper bag and we walk down the hall, until we reach our spot, in front of a window.

An arm wraps around my waist and I look behind me, a smile on my lips. Wesley bends down and kisses me on the cheek, before locking our lips.

I move my head back, trying to stop the kiss since my friends are right here, but Wes holds my head steady. A fake cough and a gagging noise make my boyfriend break the kiss involuntarily.

"Hello, ladies," Wesley puts his arm around my shoulders, looking at the girls. Paige doesn't even try to hide the roll of her eyes as she takes a step further away from him. "So, how did you do on your test?"

"I got a 100," I say proudly and he nods, pecking my lips. Sofia sighs and gets off the wall she had rested her back on. I furrow my eyebrows at her, silently asking where she's going.

"I'm going for a smoke," she breathes out and looks up at Wesley.

Paige raises her brow at her. "You are still doing that?" She questions, thinking that our best friend had stopped her bad habit.

"I am. Not everyone is a perfect little ballerina like Miss Paige Harrison." Sofia blows us a kiss, before walking away. I look up at Wesley, who is still looking towards the hallway she disappeared.

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