chapter two

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"Wes, stop, what are you doing?" I gasp as he grabs my forearm and drags me into an empty classroom. He slams the door shut and I look at him shocked.

"What the fuck, Katherine?"

"I could ask you the very same thing, Wesley. What the hell is wrong with you?" I pull my arm away from his hold and glare at him.

"What the hell are you doing with Sinclair?" He asks and I furrow my brows. I have no clue what he's talking about.

"I don't follow," I state, crossing my arms. He scratches his jawline and laughs in a sarcastic manner.

Shaking his head, he says, "You don't follow, okay... How about this, darling? What happened to the whole 'I don't like people sitting next to me in class because I want space' thing?" He arches his eyebrow and I sigh, opening my mouth to speak but he interrupts me. "Why is Sinclair sitting next to you in class?"

"Because he is annoying and disruptive, so Mr Smith moved him seats," I exclaim with a frustrated sigh. He demands that I answer his questions, but doesn't let me talk. Jesus.

"Yeah, right, because there weren't any other seats he could go to? He just had to sit next to you!" He raises his voice again and I hold myself to not roll my eyes and cause an even worse scene.

"Yes, Wes, there were other seats, but like I said, Mr Smith told him to sit next to me. He wasn't given a choice and neither was I," I say sternly, trying to make my point clear.

"You couldn't say no?" He asks exasperated.

I clench my jaw, "I did, Wesley, I did say no. But, for the last time, Mr Smith sat Hero next to me. And he's going to be next to me for the rest of the semester, so deal with it." I stare at him as he purses his lips.

"Look. I know you and Hero are not on the best of terms and I understand why you don't like it. And, trust me, I don't like it either. But there is nothing we can do about it, so there is no point in fighting over this," I say more calmly now, after taking a couple of deep breaths.

Besides, I should be the one mad. He literally disregarded my anxiety and compared me to my best friend, which I still don't understand. I mean, what the hell?

He nods, "You are right, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry about yesterday too. What I said was out of pocket. I shouldn't have said any of it."

Looking up at him, our gazes meet. He takes a step closer to me and lifts his hand up, to caress my cheek. His thumb passes over my bottom lip, before he starts leaning in.

His lips brush against my own, but before he can fully kiss me, I turn my head to the side and he meets my cheek. He backs away, eyebrows scrunched up.

"An apology isn't enough, Wes. You completely disregarded my feelings yesterday and you just threw a fit over something I couldn't control without letting me explain." He nods his head at my words shamefully, frowning slightly.

"I really like you, Kath. And I don't want to fuck this up. Please, forgive me." He takes my hand in his and kisses each one of my knuckles. I give him a hint of a smile. He takes that as the green light and leans closer to me again, this time his mouth engulfing mine.

I put my arms around his shoulders as he brings me closer to him, resting his hands on my thighs. I can't help myself but kiss him back lazily, without a hint of passion.

Pulling back, I look into his eyes. "I have to go to class," I tell him and he nods, retrieving his hands. He squeezes my hand one last time, before letting me walk out of the classroom.

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