chapter five

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I run inside the school, trying not to step in any puddles and holding the umbrella over my head to protect me from the slight rain.

When I'm inside and away from the rain, I put away my umbrella and walk to my locker. Leaving it inside, I check myself in the small mirror I have on the inside of the metallic door.

A hand touches my lower back as I tighten my ponytail and I whip my head around, looking at Wes with wide eyes.

"You scared me," I mutter and he apologises, pecking my lips. Smiling at him, I close my locker before wrapping my arms around him. "Hello. You are early." I give him another kiss and he hums.

"What? I wanted some alone time with my girl," he says and kisses my jawline and then the shell of my ear.

I sigh, knowing there is a hint somewhere about my friends. "Let's not do this again, Wes."

"I know. I know. I promised that I'll be on my best behaviour around Her Royal Judgy-ness, didn't I? What else do you want me to do?" I raise my brow at him and he laughs, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry. Force of habit," he whispers and leans down, kissing my temple. I shake my head and nestle at his side, enjoying the embrace.

"No one wants to see you two all lovey-dovey this early in the morning." From the corner of my eye, I notice Paige approaching us. Wesley sighs, before pulling away from me but he keeps his arm around my waist.

"Good morning to you too, Paigey." Wesley fakes a smile and I pinch his side, making him glance at me sideways.

"Mhm, morning," she replied dryly, eyeing him up and down —probably judging his outfit. "Your basketball friends are here, so goodbye."

Wesley presses his tongue against the inside of his cheek and nods his head. "Okay... bye." He leaves another kiss on my lips, before walking away.

"Good morning, my beautiful best friend. How are you this fine morning?" A tired expression takes over her face and she leans towards me, her forehead resting on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Putting my arm around her shoulders, I pull her away to look at her face. She frowns and straightens her posture.

"I stayed late at ballet practice last night to avoid my parents and now I'm tired." She smiles sarcastically, before sighing and flicking her hair over her shoulder.

I wrap my arm around her forearm and pull her towards our normal spot, to sit at the windowsill. "Maybe you should talk to them. Be an adult and whatnot."

Paige side-glances at me as we sit down and makes a tsks sound. "Because that's worked so well for my parents, who've been adults for like 30 years." She deadpans and I cringe, not knowing what to answer her.


Before I can form a sentence, Paige interrupts me. "What the fuck?" My eyebrows furrow and look towards the direction she was staring at.

Sofia is walking down the hallway, dressed in a very familiar light purple, short skirt. She has styled it with a black crop top and her usual black Doc Martens. When she comes to a halt in front of us, I notice the tiny white flowers on the skirt.

Uh, okay...

"God, I love having rights and all, but I wish I didn't have to go to school every morning. It's so pointless and exhausting." She complains and sits next to me on the windowsill.

"Yeah, because having independence and the ability to choose how you live your life is so pointless. You're so right, Sofie." Paige's flat tone makes me look over at her and she raises her brow at me.

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