chapter eight

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"Oh my God, get out already! I need to piss!" Orpheas screams from outside the locked bathroom door. Paige and I snicker as we brush our teeth and get ready for school. "Katherine, I'm gonna piss on your bed!" He threatens and my eyes widen.

"Don't you freaking dare! Orpheas!" I screech and open the door, running after him to stop him from going to my bedroom. Paige is laughing at our morning ridiculousness.

"I will strangle you if you touch my bed, little shit!" Let's ignore the fact we're almost the same height, even though I'm five years older. I jump on his back and he yells surprised. We both fall on my bed.

At first, I have the upper hand. And, then I don't. But it's not my fault. Orpheas cheated. He's tickling me.

"Knock it off! We have to go!" Dad yells from the living room and my brother lets me go. When he sees Paige waiting at the door, he runs off to go to the bathroom.

I take deep breaths, letting out a giggle every now and then. I'm so ticklish, it's annoying.

"You guys are hilarious," Paige comments and walks in my room, shoving her pajamas back in her overnight bag. "I would love to have a sibling."

"No, you wouldn't. But if you want one so badly, you can have Orpheas." She rolls her eyes at me, her hand on her hip.

"Don't say that. It's lonely being an only child. You are very lucky to have him," she murmurs and touches up her mascara, before applying some lip gloss.

I stand up and hug her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder. "We can share custody." She laughs, shaking her head. We take our bags and put on shoes when we are at the door.

My dad drives us to school, dropping Paige and me off first. Paige wraps her arm around my forearm as we enter the school building. We gossip about her ballet friends.

"Katherine, can I talk to you?" We stop in our tracks when Sofia approaches us and my smile is wiped off my face.

"You have some nerve-" Paige snaps, but Sofia's scoff interrupts her.

"I wasn't talking to you, princess."

"I have nothing to say to you, Sofia," I replied to her original question. She sighs, distress written all over her face.

"Katherine, please. I just want you to know my side of the story!" She insisted and Paige rolls her eyes. I stay focused on Sofia.

Her side of the story, my ass.

"Your side of the story? Which side, exactly? The one where you have been going behind my back for Lord knows how long and screwing my boyfriend while pretending to be my best friend? That side? Or the one where you have been humiliating me and bullying me for the way I dress and the way I look, but copying me anyway? Tell me, Sofia, which side are you refering to?" I scold her, my fists clenched. She flinches at my sharp tone.

"God, Kat, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn- I didn't mean to! I didn't want to!" She cries and my brows furrow. She furiously wipes her tears from her reddened cheeks.

"What, you didn't mean to fuck him? You didn't want to?" She stays silent. "Sofia, did he rape you? Because if he did, I'll make sure he gets what he deserves." I say sternly and she covers her face with her hands.

"God, no! He didn't rape me! I'm in love with him!" My mouth falls open at her sudden confession. Paige chuckles sarcastically, muttering to herself.

"I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't be. But I couldn't help myself. The first time was a drunken mistake, I admit that. But then we got closer while you were gone and we happened. I'm sorry!" She sobs and I shake my head, not believing the bullshit she's spewing.

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