chapter four

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She's so beautiful.

Her eyes; they are this rich brown colour. It's so magnetic. At first glance, they look plain, dark brown. But when the sun hits them, they almost look like pools of honey with a darker ring around them. I could stare at them for hours, but I haven't gotten the chance yet.

Her hair; it's dark brown, somewhat straight and somewhat wavy, shoulder-length. I like it when she wears it down, but I also like the cute hairstyles she does, for example plaits, ponytails, buns, etc.

Her eyebrows are cute too. They are brown and shaped nicely.

And her nose, it's beautiful. I mean, it's a normal nose with working nostrils as far as I know and it looks good on her.

And her lips; her beautiful lips. They are the perfect hue of pink, sort of reddish. She always wears chapstick, I know because I've seen her use it in class. Cherry chapstick, to be exact. I wonder how kissing those lips would feel like... but again, I don't have that privilege. Someone else does and he's an asshole.

And her smile; Lord, her smile... It's gorgeous. She's gorgeous. But her smile... Her innocent grin, her playful smirk or her lopsided smile. It's always a sight to see.

Her face in general, it's beautiful. All of her is beautiful. The way she carries herself and the way she talks and treats people. The way she greets everyone with a smile, even in days she doesn't feel like herself.

And she's incredibly intelligent as well. She's top of the class. Perfect grades, always shows up to class, interactive, curious and willing to learn.

You don't see that often. I wouldn't necessarily say that she loves school, but she loves to learn and that's what matters.

She's also competitive. Which is where I come in. And she hates me for it. But I can't help myself, she looks so good when she is annoyed.

To be fair, she looks good every day, but today she looks great. She has her hair down, with a butterfly clip holding two small plaits at the back of her head. She's wearing a short, light purple skirt with tiny white flowers on it and a white, crop knitted sweater. She is cute.

I don't understand the combination of clothing with the weather, but if she's not sweating, it's fine by me.

Now she's standing in front of the class, giving a presentation on a historical figure of the Greek Revolution. It was such a random project that our History teacher gave us last minute and we only had the weekend to complete a presentation about people who took part in revolutions/wars.

Pretty much everyone else has presented their work and Katherine was one of the last few presenting before the end of the period.

She made a 15-slide presentation on Manto Maurogenous, a woman that —from what I've gathered— gave her all to the Greek Revolution, including all her wealth. And in return, she was exiled and left to die alone and poor.

It was such an informative work and her presentation was phenomenal. She had flashcards she barely used, but what made the whole thing was that she didn't just read the slides and was interactive with the rest of the class.

Everyone was listening to her intently and people asked questions, to which she answered with no trouble. She knows her history, that's certain.

I did a presentation on Napoléon Bonaparte, who didn't take part in the French Revolution, but he was the outcome of it. The teacher said it was fine, so that's what matters. She's lucky I even did the thing.

When the bell rings, Katherine walks to our desk and puts her flash-cards on top of her history book. She looks down at me, her hand playing with her sleeve.

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