chapter seven

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"I hate men," I say as I take my seat at the table with the rest of my family for breakfast. I take two slices of lemon cake and an apple along with a glass of fresh orange juice.

"All of us?" Orpheas gasps, his mouth stuffed with cake and I grimace at the sight.

"You're twelve. You don't count." I throw a paper towel at his face. "And wipe your face, big man, you're full of crumps." He makes a face at me, but I just roll my eyes.

"What happened, darling?" Mum asks and I sigh, crossing my arms on top of the table.

"Wesley cheated on me. With Sofia! Can you believe it?" I exclaim, feeling the anger building up. When everything happened yesterday, I was so upset. I wanted to cry all day and I did. But today.. today I wanna beat a bitch up.

"Who's Wesley?" Orpheas asks, shoving more cake in his already stuffed mouth. No one taught this kid manners.

"Yeah, Katerina, who is this Wesley?" Dad raises his brow questioningly and I look over at mum.

"The one Paige calls Wussy. You've met him, Achillea."

"That scrawny little asshole who thinks he can play basketball? Eh, what about him? He's not good for my daughter." Wesley is not scrawny? Are we talking about the same person?

"Do you want me to have words with him?" I side-glance at my little brother, who is looking at me with a serious face.

"Calm down, Rocky." I ruffle his already messy hair and he groans, slapping my hand away. A smile forms on my lips as he narrows his eyes at me.

After I'm done with my breakfast, I get ready for the day. I do a half-up, half-down bun and put on some light makeup. I change into a black, short denim skirt, a white turtleneck and a black, cropped denim jacket. My mum helps me clasp my necklaces and I slide some rings on my fingers.

Today, Mum is driving me and my little brother to our respective schools. I'm dropped off first and I kiss my mum on the cheek, before she drives off.

When I'm inside the school, I go straight to my locker. After shoving my jacket inside, I close its door and look up at the very familiar, very unwanted face. Bandages and a small cast are on his nose, protecting its healing.

"Kath, let me explain. It was a mistake. I'm sorry. Please," he begs, earning an eye roll from me. I walk by him, not even sparing him another glance.

"You're early," I comment when I see Elena sitting on top of her desk. She looks up from her phone and shrugs.

"No reason to stay longer in the house." She stands up and shoves her phone in her backpocket. "We are matching." She points at her black jeans and my skirt.

"Is something wrong?" My brows furrow at her low energy. She shakes her head, giving me a small smile.

"Family stuff. Don't worry about it. I'm handling it." I wrap my arms around her waist and she leans her head on mine. She pats my forearm three times and I let her go.

"Good morning, beautiful people." Paige greets us, leaving her school bag on top of her desk. She joins us, putting her arms around my and Elena's shoulders. "Zariyah, come here, you gorgeous piece of candy!" The brown girl laughs and heads our way.

"What's gotten you so happy this early in the morning?" Elena asks Paige, sitting on her desk. Zariyah walks behind us, putting her bag on her chair.

"Oh, nothing. Kat here dumped that dumb fuck of a boyfriend, I got the lead in the Nutcracker and I think I had too much sugar for breakfast." She shrugs her shoulders and it takes me a minute to register what she just said.

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