Chapter 6 - Dras-Leona pt.2

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Finally, they found a man who helped ship the Seither oil and remembered which warehouse it had been taken to. Eragon -quite excitedly- and Ruth -not so excitedly- went and explored the building. They then returned to the Golden Globe. It was over an hour before Brom returned, slumped with fatigue. "Did you find anything?" Eragon asked intently

Brom brushed back his white hair "I heard a great deal of interesting stories today, not the least of which is that Galbatorix will be coming to Dras-Leona within the week."

"What?!" exclaimed Ruth and Eragon in unison

Brom slouched against the wall "It seems Tablor had taken a few too liberties with his power and Galbatorix will come to teach him a lesson in humility. It's the first time the king has left his lair in ten years."

"Do you think he knows of us?" Eragon asked, gazing at Brom with what Ruth could discern as fear

"Of course he knows of us but he doesn't know of our location, if he did then we would already be in the Ra'zac grasp by now, so we'll have to hurry up."

"I want to get the Ra'zac" Eragon said, clenching his fists "But I don't want to fight the king, he'll tear me to pieces"

This amused Brom "Very good: caution. And you're right Galbatorix could kill you without lifting a finger, now tell me about your day"

The two of them discussed their days, neither of them looking to Ruth for her input which made her feel left out. She learnt from the boy's conversation; Tablor has three mistresses and they all live in one wing, Brom went inside the palace dressed as a bard, Brom also found that the oil is taken to a different city and all the slaves who transport it never return. Eragon and Brom formulated a plan to pretend to be two slaves and get into Helgrind to defeat the Ra'zac. Ruth was bored with being excluded so she asked

"What of me?"

The boys looked at her, Brom pondered for a moment "I hadn't thought of you" he said

Ruth rolled her eyes, she wanted to reply with a snarky comment but she knew she couldn't.

"You may join us, though you'll have to pretend to be a male. There aren't many female servants"

"Why?" she asked

"I'm not sure, you'll have to put padding on your stomach so your breasts are flush with your belly" Brom said

Ruth felt heat flow into her cheeks "Okay" she mumbled, she glanced at Eragon who also had red cheeks.

-The next day-

When Ruth awoke she was alone with Eragon. She sighed, she knew she would have to spend the day with him, although she enjoyed his company he was sometimes stupid or awkward. Ruth shook Eragon's shoulders and softly whispered

"Eragon wake up"

When he didn't awake she yelled

Eragon awoke, startled. He flinched and stared at Ruth.

"What was that for?!" he said furiously

"You didn't wake up and it's fun annoying you. It's very amusing"

Eragon scoffed and glared at her "You find it fun because you're so weird" he said while getting up

"I am, thank you" she said mockingly

"What's this?" Eragon asked pointing at a message on the inscribed on the wall by a charcoal stick

Eragon and Ruth,

I will be gone until late tonight. There are coins under the mattress and for Ruth there's a dress there too (wear it!)
Explore the city, enjoy yourselves, and stay unnoticed and safe!


P.S. Avoid the palace. Eragon - don't go anywhere with your bow and keep it strung. Ruth - keep your smallest dagger (I think it's the 3rd one) hidden within your dress

Ruth groaned "Why do I have to wear a dress?"

"That's nothing, why do you have so many daggers and where are they?"

"They're hidden within my clothing, I have 5 on me at all times"

"5?!" Eragon exclaimed

Ruth nodded in reply

"I'm going to get changed but I don't wear dresses often or at all so I might need help"

"Help?" Eragon asked, heat flooding into his cheeks and ears

"Relax, you look like a tomato and besides you won't see anything you don't want to" She said playfully, nudging him. Eragon retrieved the money and Ruth the dress.

"Turn around Eragon" she said as she slipped off her tunic, shirt and leggings. She put on the dress without incident. She hid her smallest dagger within the many folds for her red skirt. She sighed, the dress was tight against her skin but she thought she looked pretty at least.

"Okay I'm ready" she said

Eragon turned around and his mouth fell slightly open "Yo-you look..beautiful" he stammered

"Wonderful! Let's go" she savoured how surprised he looked.
They left the Golden Globes to explore the vast city.


Thanks for reading in the next page/part I'll put what Ruth's dress looks like :)

Read on :)

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