13. youre so 2000 and late

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Our first rehearsal was interesting to say the least.

We decided on opening with "im not okay" but Mikey and I are not gonna come out until that nice piano part plays. They're not gonna know what hit em.

It'll be so funny.

Anyway, after that was squared away, we were told we had two months before the show! *gasp* All the guys, except Frank and Mikey, were pretty nervous.  So basically only Gerard and Ray.

Mostly Gerard.

But, I'll be there for them.

A few days passed by and I've noticed Mikey has been uncharacteristically quiet. Especially to me. He's constantly on his phone, which isn't new, but now he just ignores me when I try talking to him. It was honestly getting on my nerves.

Gerard noticed and told me he was gonna go on a week long trip to attend a meeting about his show the Umbrella Academy. Apparently they're making a new season or something like that.

While he was gone, Mikey went back to being Mikey.
We joked and goofed off with each other like "old" times.

But as soon as Gerard came back...

He just went back to being distant.

A month passed by of this bullshit.

Gerard and I were doing great! We got closer and I finally started trusting him again. While my relationship with Gerard grew stronger, my relationship with Mikey started to crack.

So, I decided to make a nice family dinner to ease the tension. One of my favorite ways of showing my love is by cooking. I went on countless websites finding the best recipes for everything.

Steak, asparagus, mashed potatoes, corn, and some brownies for dessert. I was doing really house wife shit. It took me three hours to get everything done, but once it was finished it was a fucking masterpiece. 

I laid out everything.

Both Mikey and Gerard knew I had spent so much time making dinner. So, Mikey had went out to get some "ice" and "soda." Dinner was at 6:45. He was supposed to be back before 6:30. Did he though?


It was 7:27 and Gerard finally returned back to me after waiting a bit in the living room. I had stood by the door waiting for Mikey. "Honey, I really don't think he'll be back soon. He's not answering his phone. When can just eat without him... Im sure it'll be okay."

I turned to him.

"No! We can't just eat without him! I made it for all of us, so we could just relax and enjoy a meal together..." I had tears welding in my eyes. I was so pathetic. Im always crying.

Gerard went up to me and embraced me in his arms.

I slowly started crying into his shoulder. "Shh Shh... it's okay dear. He- He's just being selfish. He was like this all the time growing up. Pushing away the people who love him." I cried harder. "But why is he pushing me away?" I cried onto him. Gerard just stood there and held me.

Not much longer, the front door opened.

Mikey's finally home!

I froze onto Gerard.

He tensed up and went to speak but I quickly hushed him.

It's not that late! We can still enjoy the food. I just gotta heat everything up. It'll be fine! Everyone will be okay and have a nice night! I rubbed my eyes clean from any residue of my tears and turned to greet Mikey. I had a huge smile on my face again. But, it immediately fell when I saw him.

He had two fucking take out boxes from waffle house.



He looked at me and smiled sheepishly. He turned to go into the kitchen and saw the set table. He sat down his food on the table. Messing up my neat plating in the process. "Oh, I forgot you were making dinner..." He laughed, "Well, you two can just eat it. Im pretty full!"

I finally snapped.

"can i borrow your car?"

I whispered in Gerard's ear.

He looked at me confused, but nodded slowly.

I nodded, kissed him on the cheek, and started walking towards the door. I grabbed his keys, hanging on the wall, and slammed the door on my way out. I didn't even mean to slam it! I was just so pissed off.

I was in Gerard's car and out of the driveway before I knew it. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw Mikey run out after me. I just speed away. Im not speaking to him tonight.

I didn't even check if I had my phone or wallet on me. But I didn't care. I turned on the radio and decided to listen to whatever was playing.

"Welcome back to the 4109 channel! Today we have a new special guest on our show tonight!"

I remember when the guys and I would do these interviews. Back when Mikey wasn't a total asshat.

"You may know him from his world famous band, but he's also one of our nations greatest drummers! Plus he's constantly winning our hearts! Everyone give a warm welcome to Josh Dun of Twenty One Pilots!"

Josh Dun?

I've heard that name before.

Nicholas mentioned him. Something about really good PR and media with him and his band mate. Gosh, what was his name...? Taylor Johnson? No, but close.

I think?

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