Try me.

505 11 4

Biana's POV

The grove was the most beautiful place I'd ever been.

And that's saying something because I've been to some amazing places like Alluveterre and Italy.

But this? 

Tam pushed aside the curtain of vines, revealing a grove with moss-covered rocks, buttery rays of sunlight peeking through the gaps in the trees, and a bubbling stream surrounded by ferns. The plants that grew around the small grove purified the air and gave it a slightly sweet scent.

The ground was mostly rich black soil, but moss served as a carpet close to the edge of the stream. The tall willow trees that surrounded the brook were dropping purple blossoms into the creek, and the leafy willow branches rustled softly with the breeze.

In other words, the whole place seemed magical. It made the creepy walk in the forest worth it.

"Like it?"

Tam asked. I stepped through the curtain of vines, and Tam let it drop behind me.

"I love it! You come here every day? It's so beautiful here."

He sheepishly nodded, turning pink and staring into the stream. He went past me and moved a rock covering a hole in the ground. He pulled out two boxes of Prattles and tossed one to me.

"Almost every day, yeah. I...I have a few books hidden in the trees, too. Tiergan always thinks I'm in the lost cities, but I'm actually here."

He plopped down on a moss carpet and watched purple blossoms float with the current. I sat down cross-legged next to him. I was glad I had decided to wear a tunic and pants today instead of a dress. I pulled out the small drawstring bag with a Prattles pin in it and opened it. 

"Hey, I got a dragon! I've already got a few of him though. Do you want it?"

Tam took the small pin out of my hand. I hoped he didn't notice my heart pick up speed when his fingers brushed my hand.

"I don't really collect the pins. Between Exilium and the Neverseen... I haven't really had much time."

His fist closed around the dragon and he put it in his pocket.

"I'll definitely keep this one though. Thanks."

We sat in silence for a minute.

"How come you wanted to bring me here?" I asked curiously. I didn't miss the glance he shot me. He returned his stare to the stream.

"I don't know."

"I bet I can figure it out."

Tam raised an eyebrow at me. "Uhh, I dunno."

"Try me."

He sighed.


I thought for several minutes, but nothing came to mind. Well, there was one possibility, but it seemed impossible. I gave in.

"Okay, okay, I give up. Why?"

Tam tensed. He put his unopened Prattles box down and chewed his bottom lip, contemplating his answer.

"Have you ever... met someone that you knew you could trust, but you still kept secrets from her, I mean, them?"

I raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

"Okay. There's...something I should probably tell you. In case I get abducted again."

"Carry on."

I scooted closer. Tam looked even more nervous, and he grew pale as he ripped his gaze from the stream and focused on me. He blew out a breath.

"I-I like you, Biana. I have since I first saw you by the river, during the surprise visit."

It took me a second to figure out what his answer truly meant. When it dawned on me, I sucked in a breath and almost fell backwards into the stream. Tam grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me back.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I expected-"

I cut him off by holding up a hand.

"Stop right there, mister. Of course I feel the same way! I like it when you stand up for Linh and protect her, and you're so nice even though you've been through a lot, and you're still friends with me, even though my family is basically retarded, and-"

It was his turn to cut me off. Tam pulled me into a hug. 

An actual, both arms around you kind of hug, which was the most I'd ever seen from Tam.

He wasn't really a hugger. But he was good at proving people wrong.

I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him back. We leaned into each other, sinking into the warm embrace that meant more than just a hug now. There was no sound except the trickle of the stream and the whisper of the breeze as it whistled through the willow trees.

Tam pulled away.

I didn't want his too.

He kept a grip on my hands though.

I liked that.

Then he smiled, a real, light-up-your-whole-face kind of smile. It made him look very good. Then he did something else unexpected. 

He leaned in.

I leaned in.

He hesitated for a millisecond, giving me the chance to pull away if I wanted too.

I didn't.

He pressed his lips on mine.

And the whole world grew brighter.

A/N: Hi, sorry for the cliff hangar! I needed to find a break to change the POV, and this seemed like a good one. I don't know how long is too long for these little sections, so I'm just going to have to do this day by day! Sorry if the writing is a little choppy, it's like midnight and I can't sleep:) I hope you're not losing precious ZZZs reading this! If you are, this is your reminder to go to bed, you can pick up the story in the morning. It's not going anywhere, I promise! 

Trying to Survive Sucks: A Tiana KOTLC adventure.Where stories live. Discover now